
Friday, September 08, 2006

Baking Eggless Banana Bread

... Taking inspiration from fellow bloggers.......

My Father is a strict Vegetarian. Not even eggs.... I remember in my childhood, he would never eat my birthday cake... I used to feel bad , but I always cheered up when he would let me have what would have been his piece of cake! But in those tender years, I could never figure out how Dad felt happy on his Birthday! Mom would make a traditional sweet and that was celebration? Well, well, grown ups are funny!
Well, this is not for a birthday, neither is it a cake, but I'm sure Dad will love this EGGLESS Banana Bread. I picked up this recipe from Nandita's Saffron Trail.
We got the bananas from Von's.. and I kept watching when they would be fully ripe and soft, spotted but not black.... and today morning after talking to Mum and Dad, I felt a wave of memories sweep over me.... This one is for you Dad.

11/2 Cup Flour ( I took 1 cup All purpose and 1/2 cup wheat flour)
1 cup sugar
3 Ripe bananas
1 tsp. baking soda
1/3 cup butter
1/2 tsp. cardamom powder
1 tsp (French) vanilla essence
Pinch salt
2 tbsp Milk

Preheat oven to 350°F. Mash the bananas. Melt the butter. With a wooden spatula, mix the melted butter in the mashed bananas. Add the sugar,v.essence, milk, baking soda and mix well.Last, add the flour- mix.
Pour into a greased baking loaf pan. Bake for about 45- 50 mins. check if baked by inserting a toothpick / knife, if it comes out clean, the bread is baked.

Cool on the rack. cut into slices and serve warm ( I could not wait to get my greedy hands on it! it was smelling heavenly!! I gobbled up a piece - just to check the taste you know!!)


  1. I love banana quick bread, so easy and so yummy!! Thanks for eggless version, Manasi!!

  2. I have never baked egg less bread before but I think I will bake this and see if it tastes the same or better! Thanks Manasi!!

  3. Hi Anonymous ,
    Thanx for stopping by.

    Hi Asha,
    Do try it, it is really yummy... and lemme know how it turned out!!

  4. Thank you so much for your thoughtful and sponteneous dedication which to me is as tasty as the preparation itself. Once again a BIG THANK YOU.Baba

  5. Hey thanks for the mention Manasi. I'm glad it turned out fine for you!

  6. mines in the oven... soo quick to make. only had 1 banana so did a third of the quantities.. and didn't have eggs so was glad to find this version... had a mouldy apple too so threw that in... its smelling goood :)

  7. manasi, i had posted a comment for u yday, but not sure where i posted it, so not able to read ur reply, also want to add one more point. Sorry if i m being a pest, but paapi pet ka sawal hai. I need sure shot recipie for Chhole (gravy wale ) Rajma. As of today, i make both these dishes and they turn out OK. But i m sure there is a scope for improvement. Please help.. Thanks

  8. forgot to add that over last 3 days, consecutively, i m making ur reciepies kothimbir wadi, dabeli and paav bhaji.. They r turning out to be extra special. Little things that u hv suggested make a difference like white sesame on kothimbir wadi or garlic in pav bhaji.. I m also becoming a fan of urs..

  9. Hi Himagauri, THANK U SO MUCH DEAR!!! U REALLY made my day... weekend! Big hug to u!!
    For chole, I usually use a recipe that I have followed for a very long time... do check my ost on Alu tikki & choley chaa
    The chole I make turn out well and are moderately spicy. Hope it uits u !! My hubby is not a big fan of Rajma, so I leave it out :( but i guess the gravy base will be the same.

  10. did go thru chhole ka recipe.. its almost like mine .. but i m sure if i do it ur way 'word by word' it wud turn out better.. thanks ..

    i simply hope, one day i get invited to ur house for a hearty meal...


  11. Hi Gauri,looks lke u make tasty chole too! And u r very welcome to my home for a lunch / dinner!! Where do u live?

  12. he he he.. i live on other planet.. north east ,, connecticut.. in freezing cold.. i dont knw if i wud b ever coming to west coast..
    these days hubby is at home,.. yday i had made puran poli and katachi aamti and kobichi peeth peroon bhaji... he loved that bbhaji... i too had never eaten kobi chi bhaji like that.. i also liked it.. cant wait to show it to my MIL..

    tonight is turn for misal...

    everyday, u wud be getting hick ups and millions of blessings frm me...


  13. Hi manasi,

    I'm new to ur blog.I'm planning to try ur eggles banana bread for my kid.I have a doubt,Can we eat the
    bread even after it gets cold?

  14. Tried this today as we ran out of eggs and had two old bananas. Made a bit less as I didnt have three bananas and it came out pretty good. YUM. Dont know what the eggs would have added to it. Anyways, thanks!! There is none left....

  15. i jus discovered baking and experimented on wholemeal bread and almond cookies. both turned out good. my aunt swore that its not gonna be possible to make banana bread without eggs. but being an indian veggie, i knew someone else also would have done it. urs is the easiest version i've come across so far. hope this turns out jus as good. thanks

  16. I made this bread now and its tastes great. it was also very quick and easy to make. I don't eat eggs and was very happy to find a recipe that suits me. I wonder though how it is going to taste when it gets cold, I am hoping it won't be too dry.
    Thanks for the wonderful recipe!

  17. hi im planning to make this bread soon but i have a silly question as i have never before used ovens. using it for the 1st time in usa. u said to preheat at 350f but how much approx time it takes for the oven to be preheated? my oven has no indicator to show whether it has been preheated (i dont know whether an indicator exists or no in the 1st place). secondly after i put the mixture in the oven shud i continue baking the cake at 350f?

  18. hi i made this recipe it turned out to be awesome .... loved it.... thanks manasi for answering the abv query about the preheating...

  19. Thanks for this recipe, my 4 year old son has egg anaphylaxsis. About to go and make it......cheers

  20. I baked it last night and it was too good.. we loved it.Thank you for the wonderful recipe. I have posted it on my site and have linked it to you :)

  21. Thank you for this wonderful recipe! My son and I tried it today, and it came-out wonderful, even though we forgot the cardamom powder and salt. My son says it is pretty good :-)

  22. Hi Manasi,
    I tried your banana cake recipe..this was the first time I was baking, so i was a bit scared of the outcome.
    But it was perfect and everyone loved bread was ready in 20 mins only!
    Could you please share some eggless chocolate mud cake recipes as well? Thanks so much.

  23. Hi Manasi,
    I tried your banana cake recipe..this was the first time I was baking, so i was a bit scared of the outcome.
    But it was perfect and everyone loved bread was ready in 20 mins only!
    Could you please share some eggless chocolate mud cake recipes as well? Thanks so much.

  24. Thank U, Vijeta. I am so glad the cake turned out well :)

    have u checked Madhuram's blog? She has loads of recipes, all eggless.

  25. Tried this recipe couple of weeks ago, have to say it indeed tastes so much better than the store bought ones. This recipe is surely a keeper. Thanks!

  26. Awesome recipe ! Thanks for sharing Manasi.

  27. I know this is an old post, but I wanted you to know I have this recipe bookmarked and use it all the time. Thank you for posting it. It allows me to use up overripe bananas, and it gives my husband something he can enjoy with the rest of our family, as he is allergic to egg and dairy. I have added everything from peanut butter to pecans to oatmeal to flax seed, and the recipe holds up to all the changes. Thanks again.

  28. I just want you to know that I found your recipe years ago and loved it. Every time I get a new computer I have to search for your website so I can bookmark the recipe again. When I can't find it, I try other banana bread recipes, and they are never as good, even the fancy ones. Thank you for being a tasty part of our lives!


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