
Monday, October 02, 2006


RamPrasad Ladoo

Or let's say Whole Wheat flour ladoos... but my Father calls them Ram Prasad Ladoo.... I don't know why.. maybe his Mum called it that, maybe my Father made up this name! But this is a sweet my Father makes, and makes it very well, and I have wonderful memories of my Father slaving over the hot 'kadhai' and then rolling the knobbly ladoos because I ' want to eat some right now!'. I prefer this ladoo, over any other ladoo not just because of the wonderful memories attached to them but also because they are wholesome and tasty.
It seemed apt to make these on Dussehra.. also my entry for JFI- Ghee

I also found this interesting story behind the Dussehra celebration:
THE DUSSEHRA FESTIVAL falls during the moon lit fortnight, i.e., on the 10th. day of the waxing moon in the month of Kwar. Thus, this festival comes some time in September or October, depending on the Tithi (as determined by the Hindu calendar).

On this day in the Treta (or Trita) Yur, Ram (the 7th incarnation of Vishnu), killed the great demon Ravan, who had abducted Ram's wife Sita to his kingdom of Lanka. Ram, along with his brother Lakshman and follower Hanuman, and an army of monkeys fought a great battle to rescue his lovely wife Sita.

The war against Ravan lasted for ten days and the story of Ram and Sita is recounted with affection and love in the great epic Ramayana. To this day the whole of Ramayana is enacted in dramas staged in huge pandals and maidans, in cities, towns and villages. Beautiful tableaux of actors in costumes of ancient times are taken around the city before they culminate at the venue where the action takes place.

Ram was a great believer in the powers of goddess Durga, and he prayed to her for nine days before he himself entered the battlefield on the tenth day.

On this day he killed Ravan, Meghnad and Kumbhakaran, and people proclaimed it as the greatest victory of good over evil. The day became known as Dussehra and we still celebrate it with gusto, connecting us with the impotant events of the distant past. Huge effigies of Ravan, his brother Kumbhakaran and his son Meghnad are made, and filled with large quantities of crackers and fireworks. At just about sunset, an actor depicting Ram shoots an arrow from his bow, which hits the Ravan effigy in his navel (where a pot of nectar - the reason for Ravan's invincibility - was stored, and none could kill him unless he knew the secret of drying this nectar by shooting straight into the navel).
This was revealed to Ram by Ravan's own brother Vibhishan, who had changed sides and had become the great adviser to Ram on the affairs of Lanka. Similarly, the other two effigies are set alight. The effigies become a huge display of fireworks for the children and elders to feast their eyes on, and to bring delight to their hearts. A great deal of noise is made as the crackers burst and this provides joy and happiness. Children are given full liberty to buy bows, arrows and all the other items, which abound in the mela. In North India, the grounds where Ram Leelas are held are known as baaras and amateur actors get a chance to exhibit their talent to the full.

In Bengal the occasion is celebrated as the day on which Durga Ma killed the terrible demon Mahishasur (and the Goddess is also known as Mahishasurmardini). The essence is the same - this festival is celebrated all over India as a symbol of victory of good over evil.

For the ladoos :

2 cups Whole wheat flour

1 1/2 cups grated jaggery (equal amount of jaggery : wheat flour if you prefer sweet)

1 small spn. cardamom powder

3/4 cup Ghee

Heat a 'kadhai', roast the flour on ghee till it turns a warm light honey colour and the aroma wafts thru the kitchen to the other rooms! Add the grated jaggery, cardamom powder. Mix thoroughly and make ladoos while the mix is still warm.


  1. Very well presented. Should Shree Ram see it , he certainly will be pleased and shower his blessings on you !

    Aai and Baba

  2. Thanks for doing the taf '5 things...", Manasi!!Enjoyed reading it!!:))

    Ghee laddus are mouth watering!! Thanks!!We are all getting fatter just by looking at ghee thingies!!:D

  3. Delightful ! Both presentation and devotion which comes through the narration of Rama Legend.If Lord Rama should read it, HE will be pleased and will shower you with BLESSINGS so say Aai and Baba.

  4. Hahaha...... I liked the way you said "the aroma wafts thru the kitchen to the other rooms".....

    Looks very simple to make mansi...... will surely try it out. :)

  5. Hi manasi, I love this sweet. Gujaratis call this Sukhdi and they are made as flat burfis. Thanks for posting this!

  6. Hi,

    Today I tried your cabbage with besan recipe. Really it came out well and my husband who is a picky eater too loved it. Thanks a lot. please put more recipes from your mother-in-law!!

    BTB, I want to try the sub you have mentioned previously. Where do we get the sub bread. I buy hot dog buns, but I prefer the sub bread to any other.


  7. Aai & Baba : Thank U so much for writing a comment! It is an inspiration for me!!

    Hi Asha (Foodie's Hope): Thanx for going thru the 5 things... list! I enjoyed doing it!
    Ghee.. ghee..sweets.. yum... oh yes, the girth is expanding!!

    Hi Rooma: Hehehe... that's an easy way of knowing when to stop roasting the flour! Do try them and let me know.

    Hi Hema: Well, well, Gujus have a similar sweet! GR8, thanx for the info!

    Hi Kala: Glad u and ur family liked the cabbage veg. For the sub bread.. well, I saw some in Pavilions, u can try there.. or maybe a good bakery too. I usually get hot dog buns too, easier to get. Thanx for ur kind words, I will get Mom to send me some more recipes and post them!

  8. Never made a laddoo in my whole life. All the Indian blogs seems to be bursting with them. About time I gave it a try.


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