
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Vegetarian Omelet :Tomato Omelet

Chickpea, or besan flour is a very handy and versatile flour to have in the kitchen. It can be used in curries, making pakoras, ladoos......

Though primarily used in the kitchen, it has other uses too. It finds itself in the list of 'solah singaar', besan is also considered as a good exfoliant when used in a face pack. In India, besan mixed with a bit of milk and turmeric is used instead of soap to bathe infants.

In the kitchen , you all have used it for various cooking purposes, and I am sure one of them is this omelet! The vegetarian omelet! Quick to make and tastes good too.
All you need is :

1 cup besan
1/2 onion finely chopped
1 med. size tomato chopped
2 spns. peas
1 spn. chopped cilantro
2-3 green chilies finely chopped
Salt to taste
Water to make batter
Mix all the above ingredients and make a batter of dropping consistency.
Heat a skillet. Apply / spray some oil and pour a ladle of the batter.

Cook till brown on both sides.
Serve with bread and tomato ketchup.


  1. I make this too, In gujarati, we call them 'pudas'...but sometimes, when I want them fluffier, I add pancake mix to the besan too!Gives great results.


  2. hi mansi, i make tomato omlette using maida... i have posted the recipe in my blog... it tastes really good... sometime give it a try...

  3. Hi Trupti, what is the pancake mix? ready mix? do let me know.

    Hi Supriya, Maida? interesting, I'll try it! thanx !! :D

  4. Manasi: Ready made pancake mix is available at any grocery stores, it's so good...I use Aunt Jemima's regular pancake mix, its just basically flour with some leavening ingredients added to it which you can eat with Maple syrup..but the mix itself is not sweet, so hope you try it sometime!

    Do visit my blog sometimes!I've added you to my blog roll!

  5. Trupti, thanx for the prompt reply! will try as u suggest! And hey, u r on my blog roll too! I really like ur blog nameand the Calvin animation!!!!!! what can i say? Calvin is my fav ! I still read Calvin and Hobbes (reading one now!)

  6. Hey, its a wonderful snack Manasi.... like trupti said we call it pudla in gujarati. Try adding spring onion greens and very finely chopped capsicum to it..... it goes well witht he taste. :)

  7. Hi Manasi! I make this too. Adding peas is new to me. I add only onion and tomato. I give it to my son in lunch box alongwith sauce sachet.

  8. Hey Manasi,
    Long blog updates from you! Hope all's well and that you'll blog soon!


  9. Hi Trupti! All cool at this end Thanx... I'm back! I was being a bit lazy I guess..... :)..

  10. Hi Manasi,

    saw ur post. !! I appreciate ur trial. i use to cook and server the same (with / without tomatto) for my commune mates here in kerala. but as soon we put on to the plate, they should have, else, the tase would vary. so i was trying for some alternatives..

    Hurray, though its my 12th day of fasting, its really interesting to discuss and enquire about various food styles. Yes, i gather knowHows to use after my fasting!!


  11. Sounds like a real winner to me! I would love to try some.
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