
Monday, March 19, 2007


Hope I don't get into trouble for using this pic!!

And a Potluck Lunch with Friends!!
All thanks to A, we got together to spend time together and enjoy a wonderful lunch!! A , is a mother of 2, and the baby is nearly 4 months and yet manages to organize a Pot luck! Hats off to her!!
Here is a peek at the spread...
A made Rice, Puri and Shrikhand (home made!!) which was very tasty and full of rich creamy goodness with lashings of saffron and cardamom! Bliss!!
M, made potato subzi which is a wonderful accompaniment to the puri
S, made Panchratna Daal ( talk about a ton of protein!! and delectable taste!!)
Now, all because of my absent mindedness.... my apologies .... I could not click snaps of the FULL spread...
K, made Boondi Raita, a classic to go with the jeera rice
M, made yummy green tomato chutney and 'vatleli daal'- a Maharashtrian speciality.
My own contribution was 'gulpagdi and kaayrass' or 'Appey' and bell pepper gravy to go with the appey and Tortilla / Jahtpat Samosa , Trupti, you angel!!! I love these samosas!! (again, no snaps as they were finished and ~grrr~ I forgot to carry my camera.....

Here is a look at the gulpangdi and Kaayrass:

To make Gulpangdi:
Use Idli Batter ( I use the no-fuss-no-grind method)
1 cup Urad flour
1 1/2 cup Idli rava
Mix and allow to ferment. Before making, add 3/4 tsp.cumin seeds , 1-2 Finely chopped Green Chilies, 1tbsp. chopped Cilantro, Salt to taste

This requires a special 'Tawa', which looks like this

Put a drop of oil in each slot and add batter. Cover and cook on a Medium flame/ heat. turn (it comes with a pointed wooden spatula) and cook on the other side. Serve with chutney, kaayras

For the Kayrass:

1 1/2 Bell Pepper (deseeded & fine chopped into small cubes)
Oil to temper
1/2 tsp. Cumin seeds
Pinch Asafetida
1/4 tsp Turmeric
1 -2 green chillies (slit lengthwise)
Few curry leaves
4 tbsp Roasted Peanut Powder
1 tbsp. Roasted Sesame/ Til powder
2 tsp. Dessicated Coconut Powder
1/2 tsp Tamarind pulp ( I use concentrate, which is a bit strong)
Jaggery( double as that of tamarind)
Salt to taste
Little Water to make a gravy

Heat Oil. Add cumin seeds.
Add the Chillies and curry leaves
Add asafetida and turmeric.
Add bell pepper and cook till the pepper is well cooked.
Add water, tamarind pulp, jaggery and bring to a boil.
Add roasted peanut and sesame powder and dessicated coconut.
Add salt.
Let it boil for a good 3-4 minutes. The idea is to let it thicken so that it reaches a chutney like consistency (however, do not mash the bell pepper chunks)

Serve with gulpangdi.


  1. Manasi,

    I love the look of your blog.. it's looks great! Where do you live girl? Looks like you are having a gala time.. I need to move there :)


  2. You have had a great start for a new year Man!So much fun and A FEAST!Good for you:))

  3. Happy gudi padwa to u manasi!!
    My first time here and i am totally amazed!!
    thank u for sharing these wodnerful recipes!!!

  4. happy gudi padwa. that's the kind of pan we use to make appams, and the danish use to make abelskivers (sp.?). there's so much commonality across cultures. andhraiites make a similar dish called ponganaalu (methinks)

  5. Lovely recipes....glad you enjoyed the samosas...they are quick, aren't they??

    best wishes to you and hubby.


  6. hi Manasi, Wish you happy Gudi Padwa!! We too make this Gulpangdi in tamilnadu, its called kuli paniyaram. It is the same ingredients. I dont have that pan here with me. did you bring it from India?


  7. Hi Archana, Thank u for ur kind words... and I'm ner LA, so come down and join the fun!!

    Hi Asha, Thanx a lot!! I loved the feast on ur blog!!

    Hi Paddukoti,Thank u !! keep visiting!!!!! :D

    Hi Bee, I guess all of South India has this dish, with different names, but hey its great !!

    Hi Viji, Thanx a Ton!!
    hi Trupti, Ur Samosas are too good.... these are a sure thing when I nex hv guests!

    Hi Sharmi,I borrowed this pan from my friend... but mine is on the way from India, I asked my MIL to send me a lightweight one, I guess Jaipan brand.

  8. I don't see my comment here. :(

    I got the same pan this time from India!!!!!! Thanks for the recipe. :)

  9. omg! Manasi, you are near LA? me too..teachnically orange county.. :) gimme your email address..and I'll email you... that's so great!


  10. We also make Appey during Shrawan month nut the sweet version using Rava, Coconut Milk, Sugar, Kismish, Cardamom, Almond, Ghee for frying

  11. We also make Appeys at home during Shrawan Month but a sweet version usuing Rava, Coconut Milk, Sugar, Kismish, Cardamon, Almonds and fried in Ghee

  12. like dur blog a lot:) we also prepare these appo , like them with chatni, sambhar, mmm feels so nostalgic as i have never eaten them from a long long time

  13. Hi Manasi,

    I so want to make the Appe....but don't have the special pan for it.
    Did u get the pan from India or bought it here from US. I see so many different varieties, but don't know how to select one. Should I get a cast iron one or not? And will it work on the electric coil here in US. I would appreciate your advice. Thank you :-)


    1. Hi Sheetal, here are some options you can try:

      - before you start, I must mention,if you are planning to get an appey pan from India, get one that has a flat base, it will work with the coil, try brands like Nirlep, they have non-stick pans and with a flat-ish base or at least a ring on the base which will help-

      Now for the pan info:

      You get similar pans on, they are called abelskiver pans. Keep a watch for a deal and you will get something good.
      I once saw an abelskiver pan set in one of the stores ( JCP / Macy's, not sure which :(-) on clearance , but that source is rather unpredictable.

      Cast iron: they have an advantage, they heat up quickly and maintain levels of heat thru-out, saves energy and over time, these become slick and non-stick. down side, they are rather heavy, if you are the types who move apartments due to job reasons, then that is a consideration, they are heavy and they break- yes they do!

      Hope you find the information useful. Do mail me or comment if you have any more questions.

  14. Thank you for the detailed reply, Manasi. Am visiting India next month, so will get one from there. Shall keep your tips in mind. Thanks again. Looking forward to your future posts. Happy Cooking!


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