
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Seeded Garlic Bread

This has been on my mind for a long time now!! We like garlic bread a lot.. well, I like it a lot, M is ... ummm, OK, its nice!! types.. we usually picked up a box of frozen garlic bread and used it.. but it was always on the back of my mind to make this at home. The advantages being 1) cost effective 2) I can make variations to it 3) Quantity!!! and most importantly...4) making it on my own and blogging !! Blogging has become such an obsession with me!!

I am sure many of you are familiar with VideoJug , which has a section on Food and Drink. That is where I first saw the procedure for making Garlic bread and thought to myself..."hey... that's so easy!! I must make that!!"
So the next time in the store I made a bee line towards the bakery aisle.. the progress was a bit slow I agree, you see one has to first pass rows of delightful looking , moist , yummy , tempting and drool worthy cakes!!! M generally prods me in the small of my back with the shopping cart to make me move from , lets say 'cake A' to 'cake B......' ! So after a brief struggle of NOT grabbing cakes and muffins, we moved on to the breads...... here M breathed a sigh of relief... my attention had snapped back to the main objective, buying a baguette! I was all hawk eyed and going thru the various varieties of bread, and finally pounced on a seeded baguette... again after a brief internal struggle of wanting to try the french bread, sourdough... and some other varieties.
Back home, I set about with my customary zeal to make the Garlic bread..
It is as simple as the pictures on this post!!!!
Here's what u need..
The original recipe calls for :

1 Baguette ( plain one)
1 stick of butter (around 6 tbsp)
5 cloves Garlic
3 Tbsp Parsley (chopped)
Salt and Pepper to taste
Aluminium foil to wrap
My addition/ Variation :
Seeded Baguette
Dash of Oregano
I used Dry parsley
Pre heat the oven to 325 deg. F
Prepare the Butter. Crush / grate the garlic, add it to the butter along with the parsley, oregano, salt and pepper. Mix well.
The Baguette, I have used a seeded baguette
Place the baguette onto the chopping board and cut across diagonally, into 2-3 cm slices, without cutting completely through the bread.

Create a gap between the slices, add a dollop of the garlic butter, and smooth it down. Finally spread any remaining butter over the top of the baguette.

Wrap the baguette in the aluminium foil , seal at both ends and pop it into the oven .
Bake on each side for 10 mins.

Once baked, remove from foil, cut thru and serve!!!

I was a bit of a miser with the butter, so you can see that it has not reached at the very bottom of the slice... don't do what I did!!! All said and done (all miserly acts)... it tasted wonderful!!!!


  1. 1 stick of butter? :O Manasi, slow down.

  2. hehehe!! I know.. I know!!!! no more GB for me!!!!

  3. from cake A to cake B? that's hilarious.

  4. Have tried this before and I love it. But, never tried with seeded baguette, will keep this in mind next time. Thanks for posting.

  5. Looks delicious no matter what you say :)

  6. Hi Bee.. funny but true!!

    Hi Lata!! Thank u dear!!

    Hi Tee, Thanx dear, but i do wish my pix were as beautiful as Bee's or suganya's!!

  7. Oh YES!! Its something when you make it on your own. :) The herbs add wonderful flavour to it.... Next time I think K will push you the same way thru the bread section as well ;)

  8. Looks cool. Even I have been wanting to try garlic bread at home.

  9. Though I can't eat Garlic, but love the way you have made though it is on the fatter side Manasi. I think one of your new year resolution was to shed some weight, if i am correct! just kidding you. Have a good day Manasi. Viji

  10. Lol on #4, blogging does motivate one to try and cook stuff that is readily available in stores doesn't it? But it always turn out much better than the store bought stuff anyway.... it does look delicious!

  11. Hi, Though familiar with your blog, this is the first time I am commenting..Hope to be a regular now..
    Well!! Garlic Bread looks yummy..and lo! we need so much butter...I think even my mind would have been 'miser' in that case..if you hadnot mentioned that.
    Also, Thanks for your Misal recipe..I tried it first time for a party of 25 people and got so much applause..All credits to you:)

  12. hahaha...nice description....I make garlic bread at home too, but I never wrapped it with foil. Never used the seeded bread(always used left over pav from pav bhaji). I am gonnu try your method soon.

  13. Love it. A great fan of garlic bread, I buy already prepared garlic bread from stores but this sounds great to make at home.

  14. Manasi, I make garlic bread the same way, the only difference is that I use soft french breads instead of baguettes....and ever since i tried making GB this way, my hubby likes to have 'em for dinner as well :)


  15. even with the miserly amount of looks delicious.

  16. This looks great Manasi. Like the 'seeded' part especially.

  17. Title intrigued me! I thought how do you seed a Garlic!:D
    Sesame seed Baguette,I got it!Looks yum.I love to have it with Spaghetti meatballs,specially homemade Garlic bread.It's better to ust butter than the artificial "butter" they use in the store bought bread.Looks great Manasi,enjoy!:))

  18. That's how we make garlic bread down here also. Your GB looks yummy.

    I plan to bake a garlic bread. Stay tuned.

  19. hmmm I can feel the aroma through your pics. nice method of doing it.

  20. Hi Coffee... U r sooo right about M (not K) he is kinda fed up with me... getting distracted every single time!!

    Hi Swapna.. try it... u'll love it!

    Hi Viji, hehehe Viji... I 'kinda' kept the resolution on the side and was a bit miserly withthe butter!! (trying to kill that guilty feeling!!!)

    Hi Sig.. u r right! it tastes so much better when made @ home!

  21. Hi Meena.. Thank u soo much!!!! U made my day!!! I know i'm gonna smile the rest of the day!! hugs to u!!!

    Hi Shilpa... i did it this way coz i wanted 'that' garlic bread taste and look! but i'm sure it works swell with normal pav too!

    Hi Hima, Thanx.. do try it!

    HiShn.. me too! love it for snack , dinner!!

  22. Hi Cooker!! it Tasted GR8 with the 'miserly' amt of butter too!!! i loved it, never buying a readymade one now!!!

    Hi Hema, Thanx dear, i like sesame, and the taste in this was unobtrusive...!!

    Hi Asha!! Seed a Garlic!! that's thinking out of the box!!

    Hi Cynthia!! Am so looking fwd to ur version!!

    Hi Sharmi!! The aroma... what do I mouth was watering!!!!

  23. I see that you slice the bread thinly so that the butter soaks through each slice!! :) mmm.. i'm guilty of that, too, and for going overboard on the garlic! thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! :)

  24. hi manasi how r u
    i want to know in garlic bread after wrap in foil paper we can put in conventional oven (which connected with stove)pls tell me.

  25. Hi Lovely lady! I believe u can use the conventional oven too! itis the same as any other (unless i am thinking of something totally dofferent!! LOL)


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