
Saturday, September 29, 2007

MBP- BREAD: Cheese Parathas.

I'm LATE... so what's new, huh? But I couldn't miss MBP!!! The darned right thumb delayed me! Anyway, now that we are firmly ensconced in our new apartment, which to my delight has a regular gas (like India) and NO Coil stove, I couldn't be happier! Food tastes better and cooks faster than the dreadful coil (M claims it is all my fancy... Men! I tell ya, they are weird!)
For MBP- BREAD I found so many varieties of Breads in our blogosphere, but I finally decided in favour of Cheese Parathas

Like Musical, parathas have always been my favourite type of bread too! Parathas hold a special place in my heart! They are a constant reminder to me of my BEST Friend who is from Delhi and the YUM! parathas I have eaten at home!

In fact, I still vividly recall my first instruction in making a paratha.. (it was not the stuffed variety) and inexperienced as I was in making Parathas, I rolled one all nice and round and .... thin! like a Fulka!! Oh boy!! did I feel like an ostrich? I sure did!!! Just wanted to bury my head in some soil and hang in there till eternity!

Around that time, I also learned that parathas need not be round (or as thin as fulkas!!) and when I found Musical's Recipe, after chuckling awhile, decided 'this' is it!

I followed her recipe, copy pasted in here for convenience, with a couple of variations...

Thanx Musical! Loved the parathas!!


We need:
Whole wheat flour, water, a pinch of salt, ajwain and grated cheese of your favorite variety (i used five cheese Italian blend).Sift the flour, add salt, ajwain, knead into a smooth dough with water. The essence of any good Indian bread is a good dough, so knead, knead, knead :). The dough should be flexible. Set aside for a few minutes. Heat the tava/griddle and roll a nice chapati as shown in the picture. Heap some grated cheese and fold into a square (or a triangle if you like). Dust with some flour and roll this square. Fry it with lil' oil/ghee on the tava-the cheese melts and makes this ordinary bread into something extraordinary :).
Variations I made :

Used Mozzarella Cheese

Added 1/2 very finely chopped onion

Used Olive oil spray

..... My favourite smells in the kitchen....

- Daal (Varan) and Basmati Rice and the lingering smell of an incense stick ( something one encounters in a typical Maharashtrian Brahmin kitchen!!)!!

- Tadkas (tempering) (with or without ginger-garlic paste)!!

-Cake baking in the oven!! ( I am going to try my hand at baking proper bread soon, so I'm sure that will be another to this list!

Thank You , Coffee, for this wonderful theme and Okaying my late entry!!


  1. Thanks ji, am super glad that you enjoyed the paranthas. I'll make them with chopped onions and mirchi tomorrow :). My apartment here in LA has coils :-D. I have gotten used to them ;). But i remember this banter between me and my friend as to which one is better (now she's landed up with coils too ) :-D.

    and shame on me, i think i might miss out on MBP again!

  2. Cheese Parathas look delicious...I am also a big fan of parathas..haven't tried with cheese yet...

  3. Hi Manasi, I too think there's a HUGE difference between gas cooking and electric -- hate electric stove-top but make do :)

    Cheeese parathas look great -- somehow I missed this one on Musical's site so thanks for showcasing it. I love MBP for just this reason!

  4. HEY these are my fav smells too, delicious paranthas!

  5. Ooh yum!! My daughter would love this, she is crazy about cheese!:))
    Looks great Manasi, good choice.

  6. Hi Manasi,

    The cheese parathas look yammy.Very tempting. Keep up the good work.


  7. Ooh Mozarella in a Paratha..I am in luv with it already! By the way, speaking of ostrich, oddly I just wrote a post on ostrich eggs...hahhaha!

  8. I thought this event is done by 20th of this month and I missed it. Isn't it?

  9. Glad to know your thumbs beter abd you've settled down in your new home...nice entry.

  10. Wow cheese parathas.. they look yummy dear..:D

  11. I made cheese parathas for my daughter but she didn't eat more than a bite but I loved it... :) I love your idea of adding spring onions.

  12. yummy... Amma makes cauliflower and cheese parathas... I have never even tried!!

  13. that looks lovely. delicious to make it for kids.

  14. Hi Musical! Thank U ji!!! now I can use cheese without too much guilt!! hehee!

    Hi Apple! Aha, another paratha fan! I love trying new stuffings!

    Hi Viji, Thank u so much!

    Hi Linda! I agree, I enjoy using the gas, thankgod no more coil and no more sky high electricity bills!!

    Hi Bindiya! Same Pinch!!

    Hi Asha!! Thank U so much!

    Hi Kulkarni! Thank u very much!!

    Hi Dhana!! Ostrich eggs!! WOW!I'm on my way to read it!!

    Hi Hima! Yes I had passed the deadline, but asked Coffee if I could still cross the line!

    Hi Sunita! Thanks! and the thumb is better!!

    Hi Siri, Laavanya!! Thanks a lot!!

    Hi Raaga! hmmm, cauliflower! good idea! Thanx!!

    Hi Sharmi, Thank u!!

  15. No more electric coil, huh! :) initially i used to crib so much about these coils...but now I actually don't mind them. In fact, last time i went to India, I had to actually get used to working with a gas stove ;)

    Cheese Parathas look so yummy!!! Never had these before...lavkarach try karayala pahije:)

  16. I posted about paneer parathas a week ago, and here I found the cheese ones!! man, I love experimenting with parathas!

    Nice pic; I usually eat my parathas with ketchup too:)

  17. Cheese Parathas! sounds so delicious and they look so tempting, thanx for sharing and yeah cooking gas is more comfortable than electric coils...I really know its hard to put taskas with those coils, coz it take longer to heat and slow to cool!

  18. They look delicious. I woudn't mind to have them anytime.

  19. manasi....the cheese parathas look yummm dear,I want one :-)

  20. Hi Manasi, I was attracted to a profiel which stresed on Satvik Jevan....can we have some pointers to that as wellas receipies that supports will be of immense help..

  21. I've always drooled at these at Musical's.. now you too... Guess I just need to get off my lazy behind and make some myself :).. and I so agree with you on electric/gas stove... when we were house hunting, I refused certain condos which were perfect in every way, except for the electric stove!

  22. Gr8 post Mansi! also can u add my blog... to ur blog. thanx a head.

  23. LOL...u r really funny manasi:) i was chuckling thinking abt u rolling perfect phulkas and not paratas as i have done that numerous times;)
    how is ur thumb now?

  24. Wow I love anything cheesy. This looks good am surely going to try it.

  25. Hi Tee... Took me some time to adjust to no coil too! In fact I would wait for things to heat up eventually! the first time the milk boiled over before I realized what was happening!

    Hi Mansi..I love parathas too, I will make paneer parathas, in fact I wanna try making paneer at home!!

    Hi Padma.. Thank u dear!! yep ove the cooking gas!

    Happy Cook & Shirisha... Drop in anytime!!! wud love to share these with u!!

    Hi Monit, Let me try and look up some 'satvik' recipes and post them ! Thank u so much .. I hope I shall be able to do this soon!

    Hi Sig.. Do try these, they are yum!

    Hi Swaroopa.. thats a good blog u have!! will add u!!

    Hi Sia, Yep round and THIN parathas!!LOL!! My thumb is a lot better now, thanx dear!!!

  26. Hi Shella, Thanx !! i love cheesy anything!! do try this!!




    Please, add it to your favourites.

  28. Hi Lapa, Thank u , but I do not speak nor comprehend Portuguese.

  29. Hi Manasi,
    Hope you are doing good.

    I am late as well :) in leaving comments...

    Very tempting manasi. Your description adds to it :)


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