
Wednesday, July 23, 2008


More than 6 weeks have rolled by and I haven't posted anything! Life has been hectic, no doubt, but I am enjoying every bit of it! The sleepless nights... okay, so it's waking up just once in the middle of the night..., the diaper changes, the baby talk and the coos and gurgles in response with an occasional smile as a reward! Though I have peeped in at other blogs, I haven't done much.... no cooking, but it's time to go back to that! My parents have gone back to India and now M and I are on our own with Little S!
So while my baby is amusing himself on his play mat and conversing with the ceiling (his favourite activity) I am scribbling away at my blog!

Nupur's theme forMBP has come at the right time! Now that time is a constraint, I will have this wonderful collection of super recipes all in one place!

Before going back, Mom wanted to make sure I have some snacks at hand when hunger pangs strike me and I may not have time to make anything when tending to the baby. And since she was also handling EVERYTHING (read cooking, cleaning, all chores around the house, handling the baby and me in my hysterical moments when I'd sob when the baby cried ) else around my home, it was only fair that she save time and energy somewhere!

Among other things that she made, she was very keen on trying out Microwave Besan Ladoo, which are our favourites.

Tee's recipe is a HIT!! Mom saved a huge amount of time and also energy and arm exercise! Within no time we had the ladoos ready!

We followed the recipe with only one change, no raisins! As it is, I am not a big fan of raisins and MBP calls for 5 ingredients or less!

Thank You Tee for the wonderful recipe and Nupur for this wonderful theme!!


  1. The ladoos look great! I have got to try the microwave version :)
    I am sure you are having lot of fun with lil S. Take care!

  2. Great that you are writing blog as well as taking care of your kid. The ladoos are yummy and looks so good.

  3. Wow..Laddu's look perfect round.. Have fun with Little S. Take Care

  4. Hard to tell they were made in the MW!
    Good to know mom and baby are enjoying each other:)
    Take care

  5. Waking up once at night is not bad at all... come on... sometimes even you have to go the loo ;-)

    The laddoos look lovely... maybe this Diwali!!

  6. Tee's recipe is really a wonderful one; I have made these quite a few times.
    Thanks for sending in this sweet entry :)

  7. excellent choice...and perfectly done....they look soooooo good :)...been a very long time since i had this..

  8. hey mansi...great to see u post :)..and i am sure u r having tons of fun with the lil one :)

  9. Nice recipe..Fastr snack..And hope u have a great time with ur cutie..

  10. Thanks so much ! I am so happy that you liked the recipe....and an approval from!
    I can imagine how it must be handling everything by yourself..we have friends who are in a similar situation right now. :)

  11. oh!! this looks absolutely delicious Manasi!! gosh, I hae to try it now:) thanks for choosing a great recipe for MBP:)

    and thanks to you too Tee!!:)

  12. Glad to hear you and the little are well and having lots of fun!

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  14. Microwave besan laddus. How did I miss them? I am bookmarking it... looks great :)

  15. ladoos look inviting...and hope u have a great time with ur son..enjoyyy

  16. where did you get such amazing pick of ladoos? my wonder... amazing recipe!


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