
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kuch khatta, kuch meetha- Anaras Ambol

I am back after what seems to me, a very long break and more importantly a self imposed break. I have been busy, packing. yes, yes, packing once again, only this time it was on a larger scale, we were moving out of California. It was a sudden decision, well almost. I could not bear the thought of M traveling through the harsh winter or getting stuck  in IL, unable to travel home for weeks, months ( ok, I am going overboard here) or worse, driving to  the airport thru snow at breakneck speed so as not to miss his Los Angeles flight.  these horrid thoughts kept haunting me  and so finally we decided that we had to move. Barring a small hitch because of the office policy things went smoothly in the small time we had, 2 weeks. We donated some stuff, packed and shipped some, discarded a lot and moved, bag, baggage and baccha ( meaning- child) to Illinois. 
It was a  sentimental moment for us to leave the city  that was home for well over 4 years, a city where we first came to in the USA and had come to love , a city where our son was born.  All I can say now is, Thank God, we had very little time to  move, kept me so busy that I had very little time to get sentimental.
At times like these friends are invaluable! Mrudul and Binaifer, Thank you with all my heart, for all the support and help you guys gave me! For leaving behind all your chores to help me pack, Mrudul, for  doctoring my sprained back ( oh yes! I did that! sprained my back and still suffering), taking care of S (feeding him lunch, making laddus for him!) ,waking up at dawn to make me a cup of tea and  breakfast. Bini, for walking all the way to my home, for taking care of S when I was busy with  all that I had to do, helping me pack and putting them in my car, you guys are the best! 

Prajakta, you and your energy are inspiring! Thank you for coming in  on the eve of our departure and helping me sort, pack and trash all that was needed! 

This sweet and sour ambol is for you all, for being the sweet part of my life!

Source: 660 curries
Serves 8

2 Tbs Canola Oil
1 tsp. Mustard Seeds
2 cups Fresh cubed Pineapple
1/2 cup Golden Raisins
6-8 Dry Red Chiles
1/2 cup crumbled Jaggery or firmly packed brown sugar
1/4 tsp Sea Salt

Heat oil over medium high
Add Mustard seeds, after they pop add pineapple chunks, raisins and red chiles
Reduce heat to medium and cook uncovered, stirring occasionally until raisins are plump and the pineapple is lightly browned, 5-8 mins.
Add jaggery and cook. Stir so it melts, 2-4 mins.
Pour 1 cup water and sprinkle salt 
Cook uncovered, stirring occasionally until sauce turns syrupy thick, 10-15 mins
Serve ASAP or cover and refrigerate for 1 week, re-heat to warm before serving.

*M and I enjoyed this ambol with almost everything, plain daal- rice, yogurt - rice, dosas.


  1. HI Manasi;
    Wishing you all a very happy and sweet life in IL as well. Life is like a rolling stone which gathers friends while it keeps rolling.. so u have few feathers on you hat and ready for some more!!!!

  2. Actually i thought you guys just moved to a new home. ANd i read you are moving again. Sounds really good, as i have never moved from here :-(

  3. Dry roast cumin or paanch phoron, grind to a fine powder, sprinkle a little on top of this chutney when done. This is a classic Bong dish.

    Moving out of sunny CA must have been difficult, all the best in IL

  4. OMG, you moved again! Well, at least this time you will be settled for a time no?

    I have bookmarked with sweet and sour pineapple sambol.

  5. Manasi nice ambol. All the best for the new start in IL.

  6. Hope you get settled soon at your new place. Ambol looks tangy!

  7. From California to Illinois just as winter's about to set in? Manasi, you and your family are brave indeed! :)
    Seriously, though, moving is always difficult and I can relate to those feelings of being uprooted from home. I hope you're settling in. That ambol looks incredible -- the perfect thing to warm you up on a cold evening!

  8. What a gorgeous and delicious ambol Manasi! I love the flavors you incorporated. This is a winner,for sure!
    Moving to a new place is always hectic..glad to know you are settling down..

    US Masala

  9. Nice to see you back,Dish looks so nice,new to me,Pic makes me want to try it sooon...

  10. winters are worse in IL:( I never used to get out of the house!
    My best wishes to you:) Take care
    btw ambol looks tangylicious

  11. That combo sounds good! Surely delicious.




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