
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Farasbichi Bhaji/ French Beans Stir Fry

The last time I opened my dashboard was in Illinois, where I was ( note the past tense) living until last Friday the 18th.  We have moved, again! 
We made an ambitious plan, and moved in 2 weeks. I am still recovering from the whole ordeal. Moving is never a pleasant experience and any plan that is made with a short time gap is rather upsetting. But it was done and done for the best. 
We are now in Texas and so far, very well satisfied with everything. Our greatest relief was that our road trip was a success! We covered all the 875 miles smoothly and above all, Little S was fantastic, not a whine, no demands, no tears or tantrums! I am so thankful for that. We would have loved to explore  more on the trip but our priority was  making good time and ensuring that the little one was not overwhelmed by the journey, nor irritated by the bags surrounding him.
We have selected the apartment we want to live in signed the lease, sealed the deal, updated the mover so he can get our stuff moving out of IL and in to TX.  All in a span of 3 days and we are exhausted.

But what of food? While there are TONS of options to eat out here, in Dallas and Irving and surrounding area, what happened on the way? What happened back in IL? Well, I had to empty out everything and give away or trash  lots of things, lots! Sudden moves leave you with no choice. I also picked up a few ready-to-eat packages from the Indian store, just to be on the safe side. Needless to say, it was not the wisest thing to do! Packaged food is terrible. Period.
I am surrounded by many Indian restaurants ( and indeed, the first evening here we  made a beeline for Indo-Chinese food and tucked in with  such enthusiasm that must have shocked any observers! not that we cared, we just wanted to eat!) 
And now, I am more than ready to cook and eat. I want to cook and eat what I cook. Something simple, very simple and uncomplicated. Home cooked, comfort food, food that nourishes and satisfies.
And what comes to my mind is a simple, everyday stir fry. French beans chopped and cooked with few seasonings and enjoyed with a warm fulka/ roti smeared with ghee  or even mixed with some plain soft, steaming white rice and a bit of pickle on the side. 

This simple stir fry comes together in no time at all and requires little skill , limited spices and is tasty! Is that a winning combination or what! Here's what makes it even better, eyeball ingredients, and it still tastes great, every time! 

You need - (all measures approximate)

2 Cups Chopped French beans ( chop off  the beans at both ends and discard, now cut the beans small even pieces)
*1/2  Onion Chopped fine - Optional
2 Tbps Oil
1 tsp. each  Mustard seeds and Cumin seeds
1 tsp Chana daal
2 Green chilies (slit lengthwise) or use 1/2 - 1 tsp red chili powder
Few curry leaves
Hefty pinch Asafetida
Salt to taste
1 tsp Sugar ( brown or white) 
Grated coconut to garnish ( fresh or frozen)

Heat oil and add the chana daal and mustard seeds, let the daal brown and the mustard seeds pop. Add Jeera and let it sizzle.
Add the asafetida, slit green chilies curry leaves and give it a stir.
Add onions - if using and stir fry for 10 seconds.
Add in the cut beans and mix thoroughly.
Sprinkle the salt, mix and now spoon in about 2-3 tbsp of water, mix, cover and cook till almost done.
When the beans are almost done- but not quite, add in the sugar and cover and cook for  a couple of minutes or until tender.
Garnish with shredded coconut and serve! How simple is that! 

* Notes: The onion is optional. I add it when I am a tad low on french beans- just to increase the volume. The vegetable tastes great with or without the onion.

Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!  Happy shopping to those who are into the door buster thing, we will snore our heads off and head out once Mr. Sun is out! 
Till next time and till I get my internet connection folks! AC@H signing out from the hotel and will see you in a few! 


  1. wonderful blog with nice recipes..happy to follow you
    please visit my blog

  2. Simply delicious,can have this stir fry with anything.

  3. Wishing you and your family good times and happy adventures in Texas!

  4. Hope the move to TX brings with it a lot of opportunity to you and loved ones and that you do not move out of TX for a long long time...The farasabi bhaji brings a tonn of memeories for me, as this was our fav subji.. My kids don't really like it a lot, but onions and coocnut they eat it anyway...
    Love Ash.

  5. That was quite a road trip!
    Wish you happy times in Texas.

  6. I hear ya :-) We just moved a few months back and it was a big deal for us even with a dog. So I can imagine you guys having to do it with a toddler in tow. Love the bhaji and I have been making this pretty regularly with the fresh beans that's been available the past few months.

  7. My god, Manasi, that sounds like a breath-sapping move. Just two weeks to pick up your life and go on-- how did you ever do it?
    Agreed with you on the packaged Indian food. It never tastes as good as the cover looks. Your subzi, by the way, has turned out beautifully.

  8. Moved again, in 2 weeks ? Living in US- moving is part of the life...
    Wondered how u managed the little one for such a long trip.
    Hope u settled down for a while in Texas and enjoy the place.


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