
Friday, May 11, 2012

Parfait : Summer Breakfast

Are you a breakfast person? I am a breakfast person. Miss my breakfast or do not eat it, I am a grumpy bear, with a headache. You can hear me growl for miles around! 

As a child, teen and young adult, I never made my breakfast, Mom always saw to it that we got fresh food to start our day. But, oh my! how the breakfast options have changed over the years!
Mom was a working woman and had to prepare and pack our lunch boxes before she got ready for work and dashed off to catch the 10:10 a.m local to V.T. She would make fulkas (roti/ chapati/ Indian flat bread) and a vegetable dish to go with it. I would get ready for school go into the kitchen and many a times just take the fulka off the flame, smear it with a bit of ghee and perhaps a tiny pinch of salt sprinkled on it, roll it and eat up. Or instead of salt, sprinkle a teaspoon of sugar or crumble some jaggery, roll up and eat! 
On weekends a leisurely breakfast of upma or  idli or something similar on those lines. It was a practical approach. No one thought of cereals, indeed, we did not even think of those until I went to college. Even then, with cereals, I think I'd still have preferred thalipeeth! I still do, I suppose.

Like in the past, I need my breakfast, but here is the weird part, most people are early breakfasters (err, you know what I mean) I am a bit on the late side, though an early riser, the day begins with a sip of Chai, to lift the fog, then of course there is the mad rush to get S ready and off to school. Once this gargantuan task is over and done with say by 10:00 a.m,  I like to relax, take my breakfast, sit comfortably on the sofa, feet tucked under me, start the laptop to catch up with e-mails, FB and blogs or read my book. I savor every bite of my breakfast and this whole routine makes me happy, sunny and fuels me thru out the day.

These days, with the temperature rising and making me cross as a dozen sticks, I need to keep cool! One of my easy breakfast options ( and with a chockful of nutrition) is making a parfait. Nothing as easy! 

You Need:
There are no measures, you make it up as you go! 

Yogurt ( Plain or Vanilla Flavor)
Chopped fruit- Berries ( Strawberry, Raspberry, Blackberry, Blueberry), Banana, Mango
Toasted Walnuts and Almonds 
Sugar (optional)
Vanilla extract (optional)

If using plain yogurt, add 1-2 tsp of sugar and whisk, set aside.
If using vanilla extract, add a few drops along with the sugar and whisk, set aside.

The use of sugar and vanilla is purely optional. I exclude it, I like plain yogurt.

Alternatively, use store brought Vanilla Yogurt. You can use flavored Greek Yogurt too.

In a glass bowl (like in the picture) o any other bowl you want, spoon in some yogurt to cover the bottom of the bowl.
Add the chopped fruit on top.
Layer with yogurt
Top with fruit
Garnish with a sprinkling of granola and toasted chopped nuts

Enjoy your chilled breakfast and chill out! 

Use any combination of fruit that will pair well and taste well with yogurt.
Use cold yogurt
Make as many layers as you want, just make sure that it is manageable and you can finish it. It looks nice and light, but remember, yogurt is filling! 

Have a great weekend, Folks! 


  1. You parfait looks yummy! Loved your story too.
    Check out my version too :-)

    1. Thank you, Aparna!
      I like your version too, so good for the in-between snack.

  2. Parfaits are my favorites too for this season, your build up is great!! Could perfectly relate to your story as its very similar to mine.

    Happy to follow you
    Please drop by

    1. Thank you Shweta! After stepping into the blog world, I have seen a lot of options and I am so thankful for that.

  3. Perfect breakfast for me...thanks for sharing.

  4. Gosh I can totally relate to ur story. My tummy growls like a hell if I skip my breakfast but very rare...
    I am in cold stuffs these days even evening time. ur parfait looks cool!

    1. Thanks Cham.
      I really need these cool food options, I just cannot bear the Texan heat.

  5. nice write up and delicious looking parfait... yummy healthy breakfast
    Noel collections

  6. very healthy ,quick and delicious breakfast.nice post.

  7. Your parfait is perfect for summer breakfast, who will skip this yummy treat, I won't will try this tomorrow, perfectly made, can end this over to my ongoing event, Spotlight : healthy breakfast ideas, here is the link :

    1. Thanks Indrani.
      I missed the event date :(
      If late entries are okay, i will include mine

  8. This looks like something served at a restaurant. Very nice.

  9. Parfait is one of my all time favorite and this looks gorgeous. Happy Mother's day to you.

    1. Thanks RC.
      It was M's birthday on the same day, so a double celebration!
      Hope you had a lovely Mother's day!

  10. Just found your site through Foodie Blogroll and thought I’d stop by to check out your site. I subscribed to your blog feed and can’t wait to see what your next post will be!

    1. Thank you, CJ-Food stories, comments like these are so motivating!

  11. loved the parfait!! simply amazing

  12. The pics look yummy!!khupch chan glad to follow you dear. Do visit my space in your spare

    1. Thank you so much Supriya!
      Will surely visit your blog

  13. Yummy parfait...i m not a brkfast person but by seeing this i need to have it tmrw..
    glad to find u ,following u now..visit me @

    1. Thanks, Avika.
      To me, a parfait can be the anytime snack, I have had it for lunch too ;)

  14. What makes a breakfast person? I need my milo/ovaltine every morning with cereals, that's all, because I'm too lazy to make anything else. And I can't wake up any earlier than 9 AM.
    But it all changes if I'm staying at a hotel and they have free breakfast that ends at 9:00 :D hehe! :D :D

  15. I need to eat something in the mornings, I mean solid.. otherwise I am peckish all day :( - on the other hand, the hubby can go with a cuppa and still no complaints... 2 extremes in our home!
    Hahahaha! But it all changes if I'm staying at a hotel and they have free breakfast that ends at 9:00 - I like that, Nisha!

  16. Just went through your whole site. U have done a great job. Keep rocking dear.. :)
    Very happy to follow you..


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