
Tuesday, August 07, 2012

4 Ingredient, Creamy Mango Ice cream

I am cross and fidgety when I go out these days. No points for guessing why. The normal temperature here in Dallas has made up it's mind to keep at a loony 3 digit. Only at night, around midnight does it come down to 2 digits, fat lot of good that is! I cannot wake  Little S at that ungodly hour to go for a special walk, can I?   huh! 
To top that, who knows what creature may be roaming free? Don't raise your eyebrows at me! Did I tell you, dear readers, of the time when we had recently moved to this apartment, when one night, around midnight or a quarter to, when M and I were talking to our family in India, glancing out of the window, we spotted 2 coyotes loping on the path right outside!? Yikes! My curly, frizzy hair  stood up in silent shock! Good God! To think, that just the day before,we had gone out and returned home late, real late, gulp!  and walked home, unsuspecting, slowly, carrying a sleeping toddler in our arms, not knowing, not even guessing! 

So now, I  try not to stay out after dark, unless I have lots of company. Better safe than sorry, what! 
What does this have to do with a food post? Why everything! You see, going out in the daytime is pure insanity, for me at least. If I do, the end result is cross and cranky, migraine-y and an antsy 4 year old... what a combination!  Safer option, stay indoors, crank up the air conditioning and invent ways to keep a 4 year old engaged. 
I draw atrocious pictures for him to paint ( he likes them, his, good job Mommy! with a pat on my back makes me feel like some great artist) and watch with pride as he colors his lady bug a violent yellow or pink, his stegosaurus in 4 different body colors and  a varied colors for the plates on his back.
After that is done, we turn to the kitchen, painting (and drawing) are tiring and make us hungry. We churn up something edible and spend time.
Last week, the temperature stayed steady at an oppressive 108F. Foul weather like this demands making ice cream at home. 
If you have 4 ingredients at home, you can make it! 
Interested? Read on........

I could capture just this one shot before we ate most of it! 

You need:

3/4  Cup Mango Pulp ( I got Alphonso Pulp, nothing close to the real thing, but such as it is)
1 Cup Powdered Sugar ( 1 1/2 cups, for those who like it very sweet)
2 Cups Heavy Cream
Juice of 1/2 Lemon

If using granulated sugar, blitz it in the spice mill / coffee grinder (only if the spice mill is free of any smell of spices etc.) / mixer attachment.

Add the sugar and lemon juice to the mango pulp and combine ( I use my hand mixer)

Add the heavy cream and whisk until soft peaks form ( do not over do it)

Transfer the contents to a sturdy plastic container with a tight fitting lid and freeze  ( I left it overnight)

Optional, Top with chopped mango bits to serve or serve plain, either way, you have a wonderful treat for blistering hot days! 

I also wanted to share something with all of you! A few weeks ago, the Executive Editor of The New Indian express contacted me and asked me if I was interested in writing an article for the paper. Of course I was thrilled and agreed. The article was published in the Sunday edition. I am glad I got this opportunity!!


  1. perfect mango ice cream and such a creamy texture.

  2. I love the idea of a Mango Ice- cream. How was the texture, grainy or smooth ??

    I know how daunting the high temp can be, but at the lows we are not happy either .. its mostly less than 50F here and trust me, doesnt feel that good... :)

    Complaining humans that we are :D..

    1. Nupur, the texture is super smooth! No ice bits in between! But u need a tight fitting lid on the container. I used 1.5 C sugar, found it a tad too sweet for my liking, so I recommend 1.25 C or 1 C , taste and add more if needed.

      you know, funny as it might sound, I prefer lower temps, i hate this heat, burns like a furnace!

  3. Heat or snow, rain or shine, I am in for an ice cream anytime all the time. We do enjoy ice cream when it snows here, kind of kate se kata nikalo. The ice cream looks bang on and the mango swirls make it look like we get in (Quality) boxes back home. I have all things except cream, will make this on 18th am invited to a Kitchen warming party. Might as well test their appliances while I am there.
    Love Ash.

  4. Loverly icecream.. Adding lemon juice is new to me

  5. Hi Manasi,

    Mouth watering !!!

    Neat presentation :)

    Keep up your good work Dear..

  6. Ice cream looks simply heavenly. Mindblowing preparation.

  7. This summer has been a rough one. We have scorchers and drought in Missouri too. Congratulations on getting published!

  8. Delicious!! Thats exactly how I make it!?

  9. So hot outside and see this recipe so tempted.. Looks so yummy...Nice color

  10. Mangoes never fail to disappoint right> Such simple ingredients and what a,lovely dish!! Want to try but for now have to control my sweet intake!

  11. Mango & ice-cream is heavenly combo, mouthwatering

  12. Such an easy and fantastic creamy icecream..Wish to have few scoops rite now.

  13. A lovely blog happy to follow you... do visit me

  14. loved your article in the indian express- way to go ! the 4 ingredient mango-yum has me hooked !

  15. A fabulous ice cream! Mango is one of my favorite fruits.



  16. Mango icecream is all time fav at my home . I am going to try this on weekend.You are an amazing story teller....Maybe someday I will finish reading all your posts...

  17. Made Mango ice cream over the weekend...tasts divine..Thanks for a great recipe...


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