
Sunday, December 02, 2012

Inchin's Bamboo Garden- A Review

It's been a bit over a year that I moved into the Dallas area. The biggest bonus for us was that our neighboring area had tons of Indian restaurants for us to explore. Some we had visited during our previous visit, over 3 years ago. Since then, many others have cropped up and demand attention! 
Apart from that, there is a local radio station that bombards you with advertisements and promotions, media is a powerful weapon! 
A few months ago, we went to Plano, a neighboring city and for dinner we went to Inchin's Bamboo Garden,  it was a quick dinner as S was tired and we had everything to-go that night. They had the noodle Festival going on at that time and I had ordered Coconut Braised noodles. I was not very impressed, there was too much coconut milk still remaining at the bottom of my dish, the next day, the noodles had soaked up all the liquid and tasted much better and I was not as disappointed at having paid so much.

On Friday however our city and the radio was buzzing with news, Bamboo Garden had opened another branch, this time in my city and whoop- dee- do! a two minute walk from where I live! 
My friends and I were long hoping that something 'Indian' would open  in the nearby complex with all that construction going on and that is just what has happened! We went  with our friends for dinner. 

The restaurant is spacious (though not as spacious as the Plano one) and is the typical Indo-Chinese theme and colors. Despite the space, the tables are placed quite close to one another and one has to glide in sideways to get to the seat, bumping into the neighbors table.

The menu is extensive and offers good choice for vegetarians as well as non-vegetarians.

My friends ordered 
Crispy Chili Baby Corn
Paneer in Manchurian Sauce
Szechwan Fried Rice

We ordered
Manchow Soup- Veg.
Szechwan fried Rice
Veg. Coins Manchurian
Thin Veg Noodles ( Kids Menu) for little S
Waldorf Chicken ( For M)

I have some pictures to share with you, these are from the food we  had to-go. 
I am shy of taking pictures when eating out and do not enjoy it with the low lighting.

The Soup ( cup or bowl- I ordered cup) was nice mild flavor, but nothing outstanding. Fried , flat noodles are served on the side.

One thing I noticed, after I had finished my soup, at the neighboring table was the way the wait staff placed their bowl of soup, his finger  touched the soup and I cringed at the sight. It made me very uneasy thinking what if that had happened with my cup too? I hope not, the thought makes me uneasy even as I type. A thumbs down there.

Veg Szechwan Rice
The Veg. Szechwan rice was well cooked and seasoned and we all ( my friends, M and I )  liked it. 
Though it is spicy, it does not burn a hole in the tongue nor is the spice so overwhelming that you do not taste anything else. The quantity is generous.

 Veg Coin Manchurian

The Veg. Coin Manchurian  was again, generous quantity and mild and well flavored  I would have liked a bit more gravy. The coins are a good size and deep fried to perfection ( I've tasted one, in a different restaurant, that was brown on the outside but raw and soggy and floury in the middle, eeew!) but they soak up gravy quickly.  Served with a bowl of steamed rice.

Veg Thin Noodles ( Kids Menu)

Mildly spiced and again generous quantity for a kids meal, these noodles, I am happy to say, had a decent amount of vegetables in them too. 

Many a times, I have had noodles with about a tablespoon of vegetables and a a few more thickly sliced onion tossed in. S enjoyed them and I was happy with that.

M was happy with his Chicken Waldorf and for most part of the meal was totally involved with just what was in his plate, a good sign.

My friends opinion was, the Crispy Chili Baby Corn was very good, thumbs up! 

The Paneer Manchurian was not up to the mark, the Paneer was tough and chewy. Their kids enjoyed it as both are huge fans of Paneer, but the Mother's were not too pleased.

The restaurant was not serving dessert that night ( since it was opening night).

Our (excluding friends) meal cost: $ 42

Overall, we enjoyed the quality and quantity of food, the service was quick and the staff polite , barring the soup incident mentioned above and the cramped feeling, however we will visit again.

Disclaimer: I was not paid to review the food at the restaurant. All views expressed are my own ( combined with feedback given by family and friends).


  1. Replies
    1. Really, Divya? But there is no recipe in this post, just a restaurant review.

  2. Excellent review. We have many such indo-chines sit in dinner or take out or food court rest here in NJ. The prices vary, but the quality of food is more or less the same. Will love to visit with you when I am in Dallas and cramp at the soup incident together. However the pani poori guy is allowed to dip all the fingers in the pani, that is essentially what makes it so dang tasty.
    Love Ash.

    1. Thanks Ash! I look forward to the day we can hang out together!
      Kinda snobish, no? In a restaurant I expect perfect service and am oay with the pani puri walla! I was discussing that today with a friend and we feel we would cringe at that in India too, despite having grown up with that kinda thing all around.

  3. I love our 'tappri' Indo-Chinese dishes, are these similar or more refined as they are served in the restaurants (just curious)
    And yes, except mine I don't like fingers touching my food!

  4. Indo-Chinese in the U.S.! You are lucky indeed, Manasi. I wish we had more such options here in our corner of the world. We do have plenty of Indian restaurants, but all have the same old north Indian menu.

  5. I have been to inChin's in Chicago land area and was not very impressed! I thought the food lacked flavours!! Glad you narrated the soup incident :(( yikes !!

    1. Oh! Too bad you did not have a positive experience.
      It may be the chef, it could also be the fact that it was a new restaurant and they wanted to do their best, let's see, this requires another visit and I will hopefully be able to update this post, soon :)

  6. Food looks delicious!

    Happy new year!


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