
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spritz Cookies- Bite size treats!

Spring break is over. there is an audible sigh in the vicinity.. I join in.
It has been a hectic week with  an active child at home. Thank God for perfect weather! 
While many of you are still wearing thick jackets or cranking up the heat in your homes, we have flung open our windows to let the gentle breeze in, packed all the winter woollies and pulled on the flip-flops! We have donned soft tees, and Capri and for  those who can carry it off, shorts and go for evening walks.
Welcome Spring! 

Spring Break from school also means play dates! We had arranged a play date for my son and his little friends and he wanted me to make cookies for them. Of course, I had to agree! 
Sometime last year, I gave in to my urge to buy a cookie press
At $10, I thought it was a steal! 
When I made the cookies last year, it took me a while to get the hang of it and when I was fumbling, I kind of  thought it wasn't 'such a good idea, after all'. The whole thing got shoved to the very back of the cabinet.
I tentatively pulled it out, looked at it long and hard and finally decided to use it. What's the worst that can happen?  It won't spritz, hah! I'll roll and cut and bake. I'll make cookies. There! 

I followed the recipe from Joy of Baking. I wish I had taken time to go to the store and get some garnish, my son wanted m & m's, I kept putting it off  and then it was time to bake.

When you try these, plan ahead and get something to decorate the cookies, m & m's, dried fruit, nuts, the cookies will look so pretty with that added something!
I will the next time I make these, I will drizzle them with some chocolate! yum!

The cookies are light and flaky and mildly sweet.  Because these are piped/ spritzed, they are small, 2-bite cookies.
They are very brittle too, of course.
The recipe calls for 6-9 minutes of baking, until the edges are barely brown. It could be my oven, but 6-9 mins. did not cut it for me. I baked my cookies for 10 mins. I like to see a honey brown edge to my cookies.
The barely-brown-edges makes it doughy and floury under done and I don't like it.

Must remember:
Use a cookie sheet or a jelly roll pan
Pipe/ Spritz cookies directly onto the cookie sheet, do not use any butter / oil to grease the cookie sheet. Do not use any parchment paper or base under the cookies. This is important. This was one of the mistakes I made when I first made the cookies, I used parchment paper. The cookie dough sticks to the press and lifts the parchment paper and it's just a mess! 
Be patient, if it does not click the first time, don't give up. just try again. 

A treat after a tall glass of milk! 

Serve with a tall glass of milk. Give a surprise by adding some in your child's lunch box, share a plate with your girlfriends at tea-time!


  1. How I envy you with the sun, break and cookie all rolled in one. Looks like I need to get this cookie press, I am putting off buying, every time I pick it up I hear a groan from a certain MR. oh boy anr gadget, here goes.....But after looking at your cookies, About time I get one and press my way into the cookie clutter.
    Love Ash.

  2. OMG the cookies look so cute :) i have always wanted to try these... but couldnt

  3. Gorgeous cookies,simple yet looks too good, bookmarked.

  4. Lovely cookies...will be great to prepare as my friends are coming in a evening tea party.

    Visit my recipes @ Manidipa's Kitchen

  5. I was not successful in my first attemp with the press and never bothered to luk back again. Think I needto reconsider it , seeing ur clicks.

  6. Your cookies look awesome!!! They look just like cookies from little bakeries in India. Honestly, I like cookies like these without icing or decoration, they are perfect to be dunked into warm milk/ tea / coffee and less sugary. I am so tempted to buy a cookie press, I was told the cookies don't come out nice. I so regret not buying the Wilton cookie press that I saw for $6 in holiday clearance some time back! ooh nooo :(

    - Priti

  7. Cute clicks... lovely recipe as well. good job:)

    I moved my blog to a new domain:

    Please feel free to visit me...

  8. These cookies look beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing :)

  9. Hey, i had this sev no sancho (kitchen press)..I could drop cookies using that!!! Thanks for sharing the photo of your cookie press, that made me realize that i can do the same :)
    though they didn't look as pretty as your cookies, but my daughter liked them (i made chocolate flavored cookies) and called them flower waali biscuit!!!

  10. Looks like they came out great! May have to try it some day. LR Bergeron

  11. I want ti 'cookie yantra'..glad your enjoying the good weather!

  12. Hey Manasi.. Thats an amazing looking cookie.. will sure try it! Am sure kids will love it. Thanks for sharing! Do visit my blog and leave me a comment of what you think of it


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