
Monday, August 26, 2013

Stuffed Buns

And so it begins! The first day of school and my little one starts Kindergarten. In my last post I mentioned how eager I was for school to start. 
But just last night, I was not so sure. I wanted to cling on to him a bit longer.

M and I made the last day of vacation special for Little S. We wanted it to last just a bit longer. 
We all went to the pool last evening and the son taught the father how to swim! 
That said, Little S is brave enough to swim with his vest on. But, he did give his Daddy 'precise' instructions ( and yes, they were correct). So when Little S splashed away from us, we both collapsed and at one time went under, laughing. 
Little Boys, ROCK! 

From today, we start lunch-boxes too. I have been reading on many blogs that kids prefer non-messy food as well as 'good looking' food. So as I understand, it translates to some Indian and some non-Indian food.
Thankfully, in S's school, there are many Indians and hopefully, no one saying, "eeewww, what's that yucky thing" ( yes, I have read that too, on some blogs and was saddened that the author's child had to face it.) how vastly different when I was a school going child, almost everyone would bring poli-bhaji ( roti / flat bread and vegetables) and  any snack made at home and it was always shared with a big group. Nobody turned up their noses or said "eeeww or yuck".

But all things considered, I want to make it easy on the child too. I want to pack lunches that are easy for him to pick and eat and more importantly, nothing that will leave a stain on his clothes.

This is also an opportunity for me to introduce ( or in my case, re-introduce) foods that he has said 'no' to, rather firmly. 
Would it be bad parenting if I send these re-introduced foods in his lunch box, hoping that if he is hungry enough, he will eat?

I found these Masala Buns over at Raks Kitchen and immediately wanted to try them.

I made these buns with a different stuffing, which is one of my favorites. But it is a very versatile recipe and you can use the stuffing you want.

For example, the sprouted mung filling for a healthier twist or the famous batata-wada bhaji will taste fantastic.
For a non-Indian twist, a cheese flavored with some pizza sauce -filling which I am sure, children will love. And here is an idea, pat some Nutella in and bake. Who doesn't like Nutella?! I only hope that the Nutella does not leak and come out. Any tips on this? Please do share your inputs in the comments.

There are endless combinations, it is up to you. 

I am hoping I will be able to share some recipes that I make for my son's lunch box and I would love to hear from you as well. What do you make for your child's lunch box or snack time in school? Please share your ideas.

Here's to another year in school and wishing all itty-bitties Good Luck!  Study hard, play hard and shine on! 


  1. Your child seems to be so fun loving and cute. The buns look so wholesome and delicious as well.

  2. all the best for your new experience with school and big hugs to your little S. its such an emotional state for the mothers to see their kids stepping on every milestones of life. The buns look amazing.

  3. i too tried these buns from Archna's place 1st and since then i am hooked to them :)

  4. I would say it is smart parenting if you try to repackage and reintroduce healthy foods that he has refused to eat before. Your son sounds precious, Manasi, and you are such a good mom. I would have adored those buns in my lunch box when I was at school! :)

  5. Those buns looks extremely spongy and fabulous..

  6. The buns look so good. Shyama's school was just around the corner she always came home for lunch .

  7. great idea, I'm always on the look out for good lunch foods for my 2 yr old. And making bread type things from scratch is so much better too.

  8. Aww, I hear ya, we would like a break, but when they leave to school, everything feels empty..
    I love simple non messy food like this too. Kids love it.


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