
Friday, October 04, 2013

Rewarding Sweetness!


A couple of weeks ago, M and I arrived at a decision, after a lot of dilly-dallying and needless to say, argument. We (read: persuaded by yours truly), decided to enroll our 5 year old for Religion and Language classes at the Hindu Temple.
And so begins our Sunday duty of taking the child to the Temple. I am not a very religious person but childhood conditioning has it's hold on me and I do know my shlokas and aartis. I want my son to know some too. But there is another motive to all this too. Reciting Sanskrit shlokas, I believe help in clarity of speech, specially when speaking the Mother tongue (and hence the language classes too) my son understands every word of Marathi I speak but refuses to reply  in the same language. He shrugs his  small shoulders in a comical way and declares it is too difficult. Humph! Okay! learn it in a class then!

What with school and homework on a daily basis along with other activities, he is one busy kid! There is so much happening around him, he is leaning to read and write ( spelling tests every week!), do math and science and social studies... whew! 

Caught up in all these activities, I sometimes forget how much he is learning and soaking up facts.
Just last week, we were driving back home after classes and I, with all the intention of striking the iron while still hot, blah, blah... started talking about what the 'Auntie' had covered in class, about God being everywhere. He looked thoughtful for a couple of seconds and then replied," like germs are everywhere?"
The husband and I burst out laughing. That's sweetness for you! That's innocence for you! 
Well, sweetness does not go unrewarded. And what better than to reward it with something sweet! I made a batch of egg less Oatmeal cookies that are oh-so-delicious! 

With the start of a new school year, I also made a few new friends. At the school bus stop. Waiting for the school bus ( which is always late, sigh!) has only one positive outcome, we get to know each other just a bit more.
On one such day, my friend, Samata, came armed with these fantastic Oatmeal cookies and oh my God! I wanted the recipe and she, the sweet girl, shared it.

These cookies are egg less, they have flax meal and they have oats. These are good! They also helped me to get over my fear of egg less baking. 
The cookies are crunchy and sweet (of course) and a slight tang from the cranberries make them a wonderful treat.  And to top it all, they are easy to make.

You need:

1.5 sticks Butter 
1 cup Brown Sugar
1 tsp Flaxseed powder/ Flaxmeal, blended with 1/4 cup of water 
1 tsp Vanilla 
3/4 cup Flour
1/2 tsp Baking powder
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Cinnamon 
3 cups Oats 
1 cup Cranberries
Preheat the oven at 350 F.

Cream butter and sugar together. 

Blend flax seed with water until foamy.

Add this  and vanilla  to butter.

Sift flour salt baking powder and cinnamon. 

Add dry and wet ingredients. Mix well.

Now add oats and cranberries

Line a tray / cookie sheet with parchment paper

Drop 1 tbsp of the dough, 2 inch apart. Flatten by hand.

Baked for 12-15 mins edges are brown n center is little wet.

Cool on wire rack and store in an airtight container

Enjoy ! 

Have a great weekend folks! 


  1. I want some right now.. I can even recite few shlokas for you so you can reward me with some. Tell me about little kids and absorbing facts and the way they use it. I am left open mouthed many times. My Munchkin writes every thing mirror images, justification given is ," Mom I am leftie so I see everything Ulta." Where do I go and bang my head now.
    Love Ash.

  2. :-) Kids have their own way of understanding things, don't they? Lot's of love to little S :-) he's one sweet cookie! I hope he learns and enjoys the sunday class, I am not a religious person either but I still feel it was a good decision on your part. There is a lot of beauty, serenity and peacefulness passed on from generation to generation through these sholkas and aratis, it's too precious to lose.

    I see myself baking these cookies soon, thanks for the recipe. :-) How many cookies would this recipe yield?

    - Priti

    1. I hope he learns some too!
      I hope you like these cookies, do let me know.

  3. Suraj is soo chweet and cute and love their innocents to core!! My blessing and kisses to him...

  4. Your son is funny! That's a cute picture of him. And those cookies look absolutely scrumptious.

    1. He has his moments! I loved these cookies and do did everyone else!

  5. Dear Palavi, nice to meet you, I find your blog so interesting! It will be my window on indian cooking ;-) ciao simo

  6. awesome looking cookies...just like store bought


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