Many a times I have long for some accompaniment to my lunch or dinner... mostly, when I have a dry vegetable to go with rotis, like batata bhaji... at such times I feel a pickle, though always welcome, is not 'the thing'. Nor are the chutneys... my taste buds long for something a bit more on the spicy side... a little extra 'khatta-meetha', but different.. these words sound like those told by every movie director... ' this is different'.....
My Mother used to make 'panchamrit' for every festive lunch, I remember eating this with puris.... this Panchamrit however,is not to be confused with the sweet that is prepared during pooja... this is a blend of spicy, sweet and tangy chutney like consistency side item.
Not very clear, am I? Maybe the recipe will help
You need:
6-8 Green chilies chopped (vary as per taste)
1/2 spoon Tamarind concentrate / extract
Jaggery ( double the quantity as that of tamarind )
Salt to taste
1/4 cup peanut powder
3-4 tbsp roasted and ground sesame
A few curry leaves
4 tsp. dessicated coconut /shredded dry coconut
Oil to temper
1/2 spoon Mustard + Cumin seeds
Pinch asafetida
2 pinches Turmeric
Heat oil. Add mustard and cumin seeds.
One the seeds pop, add asafetida.
Add turmeric
Add the chili and curry leaves. Mix well.
Add water to make a gravy.
Add the tamarind and jaggery , add salt.
Bring to boil. After the chilies are tender, add the peanut and sesame powder.
Boil for 2 mins. take off heat.
The peanut and sesame powder give this accompaniment a wonderful nutty taste and texture.

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My Mother used to make 'panchamrit' for every festive lunch, I remember eating this with puris.... this Panchamrit however,is not to be confused with the sweet that is prepared during pooja... this is a blend of spicy, sweet and tangy chutney like consistency side item.
Not very clear, am I? Maybe the recipe will help
You need:
6-8 Green chilies chopped (vary as per taste)
1/2 spoon Tamarind concentrate / extract
Jaggery ( double the quantity as that of tamarind )
Salt to taste
1/4 cup peanut powder
3-4 tbsp roasted and ground sesame
A few curry leaves
4 tsp. dessicated coconut /shredded dry coconut
Oil to temper
1/2 spoon Mustard + Cumin seeds
Pinch asafetida
2 pinches Turmeric
Heat oil. Add mustard and cumin seeds.
One the seeds pop, add asafetida.
Add turmeric
Add the chili and curry leaves. Mix well.
Add water to make a gravy.
Add the tamarind and jaggery , add salt.
Bring to boil. After the chilies are tender, add the peanut and sesame powder.
Boil for 2 mins. take off heat.
The peanut and sesame powder give this accompaniment a wonderful nutty taste and texture.

When I read panchamrit I first thought of the panchamrit given during pooja :)
This is new to me!!!! Peanut and sesame powder!!!! must be great :)
WOW! Manasi, this is really a unique recipe,thank you so much!:))
I thought it is the Temple one too, you know with Banana,honey etc.This variations looks wonderful.I will try this.
Hi Manasi
Delicious recipe. I also thought it was the sweet recipe when I read the title.
very creative...I am so glad you added the statement regards panchamrit and pooja...people have got confused...your recipe looks great...I can smell the aroma from here...thanks for sharing...
The name Panchamrit confused me too Mansi. Nice recipe.
Hi Manasi, I have a weakness for sesame... and any panchamrit would be completely new to me, therefore I must try :):)
Photo is lovely too!
this is very interesting post mansi. do u know why its called panchamrut? i am just curious to know.
Hehehe! looks like I had all of u fogged for a moment with the title!! but I changed that a bit!
Coffee .. I thought this was the real thing in childhood !! :D it's a good combo!
Asha... Do try it!
Lakshmi Hehehehehe!!!
Dilipbhai Thanx, infact that's why I changed the title a bit.
Seema No more confusion eh?!
Linda Thank u so much!
Sia I guess they called it that because it has 5 ingredients.. clubbing tamarind and jaggery.. just a thought!!
What a coincidence. We had gone to Khare MAngal KAryalaya, Sangli to attend marriage and while eating my wife suddenly remembered Panchamrit, the dish long forgotten, the dish which has disappeared from the Menu of Lagnache Jevan,
Thanks for the recipe. Now she can make it and we can enjoy divine nectar, as name denotes “Amrit”, Panchamrit at home.
try my innovative idea, eureka!
instead of tamerind pulp use Crushed Crainberries amzing taste and colour also and low in sodium naturally and flavonids etc etc
yes iknow this panchamrit but my MIL makes it with amsul instead of tamarind
and no coconut
thanks for thenew version
Umm...where did you add the coconut I the recipe? I see it in ingredients but not in the actual process :(
ooops! I missed that . Thanks you for bringing it to my notice.
I usually add it with the peanut powder.
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