Saturday, December 01, 2007

JFI Toor Daal - Rasam

Brrrrrrrrrr.. it's cold (people living in the East Coast, skip this line!)

It definitely is the season for warm soups and for those, like me, who also want some 'spice' in their soup make ... Rasam!
Cold nights, steaming hot bowl of rasam.. it's tantalising aroma wafting.. you dip your spoon in and raise it to your cold lips and sip.......... the warmth travels down your throat and warms you and then you dip you spoon into the steaming bowl again.. ahhhhh!

I dug up an old recipe which has been on the back of my mind for a long time now, I call it 'Bangalore Rasam'. My first taste of this awesome rasam was when I was visiting my cousin. Her Mother-in-law had made this rasam. I still remember ignoring the rest of the food to only consume this. The lady of the house was amused and pleased at my deep admiration for her culinary skills and actually blushed when I praise her rasam! But I did not stop at that, I insisted that she tell me the recipe, which I noted on a handy notepad at the dining table! Being the superlative cook that she is, she of course used 'andaz' (approximates) for the Rasam powder/ masala.. and being a novice, I wanted accurate measures, it finally ended up that she actually measured the amount for me while I was noting it.
As soon as I went back to Mumbai I made this powder, which to my delight produced the same results as the Rasam I had tasted in B'lore!! (Oh I was all puffed up at that point of time, patted myself on the back at my accomplishment, as in those days I did not cook much).
Cut to the time I was a newly wed, and I made this rasam for the first time at my new home, my hands were actually trembling and a short prayer escaped my lips and I added the ingredients, hoping to re-create the magic! My brow was fevered as I set the pot of bubbling rasam on the dining table and ladled it out for everyone.. But I should have trusted my guardian angel and my novice skills, it turned out great and my MIL was all praise and coming from her, a superlative cook herself, I treasured those words and her gentle encouraging smile!!

What also encouraged me to make this rasam again and also post about it is M's rating!! Oh Yes, he actually rates every dish I make! and this rasam had 'THE PUNCH' and recieved an A+ and therefore makes its debut on my blog!!!

This is my contribution to JFI- TOOR DAL hosted by Linda.
Toor dal is 'the' dal used in my home as long as I remember..and so making this rasam was my first choice.
You need:
1/4 cup Toor Dal washed and cooked to a mush
1 Tomato, cubed
2 Tsp Rasam Powder (recipe at the end of the post)
1 tsp Tamarind paste
1 lump Jaggery
Salt to taste
1-2 tbsp Oil
1 tsp Mustard seeds
1/4 tsp Asafetida
2 Dry Red Chillies broken
Toor dal Water ( add extra water while cooking the dal and take off the water before mashing the dal)
Finely chopped cilantro to garnish
Heat oil , add the mustard seed. After they pop, add the asafetida, curry leaves, red chillies and tomato. Cook till the tomato is soft and mushy. Add toor dal water (add plain water as well depending on the consistency you want) and let it all come to a rolling boil.
Add the tamarind pulp, jaggery and salt.
Add the rasam powder and the cooked toor dal..
Boil the rasam for a good 5-7 mins. Garnish with cilantro and serve.
This rasam is my soup on a winter evening, I sometimes make it a little thick so it can be mixed with rice as well.


1 cup Corriander / Dhaniya seeds

100 gms (approx. 7 tbsp) Cumin / Jeera seeds

25 gms (approx 2 tbsp) Fenugreek / Methi seeds

50 gms (I used only 3 tbsp.) Black pepper

approx 2 tbsp Asafetia

andful Curry leaves

3 tbsp red Chilli powder

Little oil

Turmeric and Salt (2 pinches each)

Heat oil in a kadhai/ wok and roast all ingredients up to curry leaves.

Cool the mixture, add red chilly powder, turmeric salt and grind to a powder and store in an airtight box.

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Red Chillies said...

Wow Mansi, this is just what the doctor ordered for the cold. What a way to nourish body with this lovely rasam. I always use MTR powder, I need to try this home made yummy stuff.

Linda said...

Hi Manasi,

I'm so amazed to find this link tonight -- because just last night I was catching up on your blog and intended to come back here tonight to leave you a comment for one particular post -- you'll see where :) And here I found this wonderful rasam!! Thank you so much for sharing your special recipe for JFI. I have never tried making homemade rasam powder -- reading your post and having your recipe handy, I think I shall do so now.

I imagine this is just the ticket for these chillly evenings of winter coming on. Thank you again :)

Seema said...

Looks Yum! Thanks for Rasam powder recipe.. will try it out, have been using MTR only always as Rechillies!!

EC said...

Agree with what red chillies' dr suggested...nothing tastier and better than rasam to have for cold...thanks for sharing

Nupur said...

That does look superlative! It is the perfect treat for the cold, rainy , gray day we are having here today...

TBC said...

Rasam looks very good, Mansi. I've never made or eaten a rasam with jaggery though. Gotta try this for a change:-)

Meera said...

I am going to try this Rasam soon, since it's so cold here. I loved the way you have described the jitters of a new bride in the new kitchen. It was a Deja vu for me!

Namratha said...

Rasam looks good Manasi, nothing to beat this on a cold night..yumm! Hey I have tagged you for a MeMe, check my blog:)

Lakshmi said...

Lovely rasam, I like it..more for tangy n sweet taste of kannada style saaru.

Richa said...

hey, rasam looks d-lish! just the time for a big bowl of this :) and yes i skipped the first

Cynthia said...

:) that is some really high ratings. Congratulations!

Bong Mom said...

I have made rasam only once, though I like it a lot :) Your rasam is so good, and also with your own rasam powder wow. can I do this with a MTR Rasam powder ?

Manasi said...

Hi Red chillies! I use MTR powder too, but this is my FAV!!! the taste is different too..

Hi Linda!! Thank u so much!!! This rasam is my remedy for a chilly evening and a cold too!

Hi Seema! Do let me know how u like it!!

Hi Easycrafts! Thank u so much!!!

Hi Nupur! Thank u so much!! I can imagine (just imagine) the cold there, L.A is nothing compared to it, but this rasam warms me up nicely!!

Hi TBC!! I add jaggery coz I like the sweet- sour taste.... may not be a part of the 'original' recipe !

Hi Meera!! dolet me know if u like it!

Hi Taste of Mysore!! Yes, this is the Kannada saru!!

Hi Richa!!! Hehehe!!! thanx!!!

Hi Cynthia!! thank u soooo much!!! :)

Hi Sandeepa!! Yes, u can use MTR powder too, but the taste is different!

Seena said...

Am now under the "rasam treatment!"
Got cold , so making rasam other things give taste..I loved your version with jaggery..:)

Bindiya said...

It's cold here too, would love a bowl of this superb rasam Manasi, thx for the great recipe.

Tee said...

mi kadhi paasun rasam chi recipe try karaychi I can try yours! :) Perfect for dark, winter nights :)

Shweta said...

Wow! What a yummy rasam, and coming from a home-recipe, I can imagine it must be awesome! Thanks for sharing Manasi!
I haven't had a chance to try the daal-poori yet. I was late for RCI, so all I could manage was sabzi and khichdi. But it is most certainly on my things-to-make list! :)

musical said...

Hot and spicy rasam is the best on a cold day, isn't it! Your rasam is really looking so delish, just the stuff i need right now!

Sreelu said...

Mansi hot rasam so perrrrrrrrfect for the cold weather, pic looks great

Sreelu said...

Mansi hot rasam so perrrrrrrrfect for the cold weather, pic looks great

DEEPA said...

wow!!!mansi ...i think i am very late ..but this one looks great...i love the poori also that u made ..awesome one

Raks said...

Perfect for this rainy season Manasi...I too posted rasam for Think spice event last month!!

Sig said...

brrrrr it is... It is snowing in some parts around here... and it is sooo cold where I am... I can really use some hot soup (I hate rasam, but if you call it soup, I will gladly have it :))

Kajal said...

Ohh....looks delicious. I have long time to make toor daal rasam. Ok I will make it as I get time. I like you made rasam powder at home. I will also try to make rasam with fresh powder. Thanks for sharing.:))

Shilpa said...

Your intro itself is making me crave this rasam Mansi. My hubby would love this, he is a great rasam fan. Will try it soon....

Padmaja said...

Mansi!!! thats one bowl of rasam to ga ga for!!!
looks so hott!!!

Rajesh &Shankari said...

soul food for me...

KellytheCulinarian said...

It's freezing here too -- I need to eat some of that!

Anonymous said...

very traditonal to grind the spices from scratch. personally i would love to make it this way, but do with ready pre roasted ingredients. I do make the powders on my own and store :).
Lovely recipe. Garlic rasam is an all time favorite of mine.
Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Hi Manasi,

Recipe is exactly like I make. Try tadka with ghee instead of oil. It is heavenly!




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