On 3rd. April, the alarm on my phone went off, it was time to pick up Little S from school. As I started up the car, the first drops of rain hit the windshield, I smiled, I love rain! As I drove out into the street, the raindrops thudded loudly and within seconds there was a deluge. Free car wash, I giggled to myself. I reached school, the teachers were looking a bit tense as I picked up my Prince. I did not ask, I just waved the customary 'bye and left. Little did I know what was in store for me! Within a minute or two it clouded over, so much so that one might think it was 8 in the evening! and how windy it was! We were at the railroad crossing and it was closed and there was a sea of cars in front of me, I was surprised, I've never seen a train at this odd hour... and then, THWAP! THUD! THUMP! I jumped out of my skin... got back just in time to see hail bouncing off my windshield.
I parked on the side and sat out the terrible storm and drove back home, glad that there was no damage!
So, I thought to myself, 'this' is Spring in Dallas! 3 weeks down the line, I am relaxing in my air-conditioned living room, looking at the hot patio and wondering, do they call 'this' spring in Dallas? It's 95F outside.. heat : that does no good to man or beast.
I hate the heat.
I try to do everything to beat it, air conditioning and a glass of chilled, refreshing 'Kewra/ Kewda Sherbet' are perfect for such horrid days.
Source:The Indian Spice Kitchen
4 Cups Water
1 2/3 Cup Sugar
6 Tbsp Lemon juice
6 Tsp Kewra Essence
Heat Water and Sugar in a pan stirring until the sugar has dissolved
Remove from heat and cool slightly
Add lemon juice and kewra Essence
Cool completely and store in a glass bottle in the fridge
To serve, dilute the concentrate with some water and add crushed ice/ ice cubes