
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Kairi Panha

Thanda ..Thanda ...Cool... Cool!!!! That's what come to my mind when I think of this simple but amazingly refreshing summer drink!!

Picture this ... HOT weather... HOT MUMBAI weather..... sweat... humidity...dehydration... playing in the streets (without any footwear!! crazy right??!) makes one tired...... rush home, fling open the fridge door, grab the bottle of 'panha', add some water (an ice cube or 2 if u have the time), quick stir... glug..glug...glug...glug .... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Repeat the same procedure....
Back to the present.....I'ts a pity that we do not get the 'real' raw mangoes here... one has to compromise a lot in terms of the taste and texture.
I picked up 2 raw mangoes at the Indian store, but to my enormous disappointment they were not even close to what I am used to! I mean, imagine biting into a piece of 'kairi'..... your eyes are bound to close, mouth pucker up and go 'tchak'!!
Anyway, here I was, 2 raw mangoes, practically no taste and memories of a childhood , where summers were linked to raids on the fridge for 'panha'...
To re-create the magic i took :
2 raw mangoes / kairi
Jaggery (grated)
1 Cardamom (powdered)
Few strands saffron
* notice I have not mentioned mentioned the amount of jaggery, that is because it is dependant on the sour tast of the raw mango, so for this I used 'andaz' (guess)
Pressure cook the raw mangoes for up to 3 whistles (or as many as it would take to cook daal in your pressure cooker)
When they cool down, remove the cover and the seed and mash up the rest of the raw mango. Add grated jaggery, cardamom and saffron. Taste and check if the sweet-sour combination is right, if too sour add some more jaggery.
I usually run the whole thing thru the blender to make it uniform and also ensure that the jaggery is mixed thoroughly
Store this concentrate in a bottle in your fridge.
To serve, add the concentrate to a glass, add some water and ice cubes, serve... Enjoy!!!
You can use sugar instead of jaggery as a sweetener, however i prefer the taste of jaggery and the benefits too! Jaggery also lends the panha a dark colour ( M made remarks of my panha looking like beer.. ! I ask u!!!) unlike sugar.
This is another contribution to RCI event, hosted this month by Nupur at One Hot Stove


  1. Loved it!
    I hate to admit it but I haven't made panha in this fashion in a long time...take a shortcut and make it using applesauce.

  2. glug..glug...glug...glug .... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    One more glass?? ;)

    It used to be fav drink in the suummers and the sequence of events which you mentioned there were absolutely the same!!! :) Great!! :)

  3. wow my mum makes this amazing panna where she cooks the raw mangoes in lots of water for hours and hours and then adds sugar... i guess pressure cooking is a faster way and will def try it with jaggery....must taste divine... thanks for the recipe

  4. HeHe!! I love reading your posts! I know! I bought a "green Mango" and when I cut it two days later,it was ripe inside!
    I used to climb up Mango trees with a stash of salt and chilli pd and eat green mangoes,sap and all!;D
    Kairi Panha looks great Manasi.I don't have a chance to get Green ones though.
    My RCI is out today!:))

  5. Wow! Do you get that lovely color only with jaggery? Just looking at the picture, I first thought that is is a mango drink. Great entry.

  6. You are wonderful narrator! During those summer holidays when the panha was yet to be replenished by a very tired, over worked mom, we would go in straight for rasna! Not even comparable in taste and satisfaction though!
    I have two raw mangoes sitting in my fridge..!

  7. Hi Cooker... applesauce, never tried it, why don't u post about this version!?

    Hi Coffee!! one more glass!!! there's always room!!

    Hi Dumela, pressure cooker sure is fast! do try it and let me know!

    Hi Asha, i an just iamgine u enjoying the raw mango with salt and chilli pd!! love that!! LOL.. green and 'ripe' mango!!

    Hi Suma, Yep jagger and a few strands of saffron!

    Hi Roopa!! Thank u so much!! Rasna is great ( remember that old ad.. I love u Rasna!) but home made panha rocks!!!

  8. that sounds so yum and makes me crave. what kind of mangoes to use for this one?

  9. HI!
    That's so nice!!! Thirst quenching drink in this summer!!

  10. i can very well imagine ur description of hot summer and gulping a big glass of fruit juice.... glug..glug...glug...glug .... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!....
    and if it is something like kaiti panha then more is better;) and yes, jaggary tastes better than sugar:)

  11. Just looking at that glass is refreshing :)

  12. I looove your style of writing dear. I could visualize what you have written. I haven't tasted panha but we had same situations with different drinks :). I am going to try this sometime soon.

  13. i wish i could have this glass..i can have them please ....super summer drink

  14. I also make this Panha but some different way..I like it taste very in summer day I prefer it very much.:)

  15. Hi Sharmi!Out here I got only one variet of raw mango.. it said 'tropical mango' on the carton.. does that help?

    Hi Usha, it does quench the thirst!! I love it!!

    Hi Supriya!! U echo my sentiments, more the better and with jaggery please!!

    Hi Nupur, Thanx a lot!!

    Hi Shilpa!! Thanx a lot dear.. it is so encouraging!!!

    Hi Deepa!! U are most welcome.. I am waiting for u with a glass of chilled Panha!!

    Hi Kajal! Yes I guess there are different ways of making panha, but all the same the best summer cooler!!


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