
Friday, June 15, 2007


ATTACK OF THE MUNCHIES!!! here I go again... at regular intervals I get this terrible urge to munch.. munch... munch... especially after work! When Coffee announced this month's theme of going 'light' after feasting on sweets.. I browsed around till I came to this recipe from Kitchen Aromas and Roopa's version of this chiwda was just what I was looking for!
It also brought back days of childhood, when I'd come back after school, fling my satchel, pluck shoes and socks (eewww!!) chuck them into some corner and head straight to the kitchen (so who washes their hands!!!) and raid the shelves for whatever I could lay my hands on. With no parental control (both parents were working) I would eat anything and everything that was there.. Thus satiated, I would kick up a fuss at dinnertime, making sick faces at the vegetables and roti.
Fed up with my behaviour, Mom brought fruit , made some item like poha/ upma for me and kept it ready for me for after school, but that did not help, I would still climb up on the chair, reach out to the shelves and pig out!
My father used to get every 2nd. and 4th. Saturday off, from work and so on one such Saturday, he made Kurmura chiwda for me.. this was something after my heart!! My Dad is a fairly good cook and I enjoyed watching him pottering about the kitchen. So on that Saturday he plonked me on one end of the cooking platform, 'ota' as it is called in Marathi and got together all the stuff he needed and within minutes my 'khau' was ready!
I made some changes to Roopa's recipe and modelled it as per my Dad's version
1 packet Kurmura/ Mamri
1/2 cup raw Peanuts
1/4 cup Dalia / DaLa (Marathi word)
6 Green Chillies ( +/- to taste)
3 Dry Red chillies
1 tsp each, mustard and cumin seeds
~20 Curry Leaves
1/2 tsp asafetida/ hing
Turmeric ( I did not measure this, so approx. 1 tsp)
2 tbsp. Oil
Salt & sugar to taste
Assemble all the ingredients. Chop the green chillies, wash and pat dry the curry leaves. Break the red chilly into two.
Heat oil in a kadhai/ wok. Add the raw peanuts and dalia, once they turn light golden brown, add mustard seeds and jeera/ cumin seeds. Add the asafetida. Pitch in the green chilly, red chilly and curry leaves. Saute them till they look crunchy. Add Turmeric. Add the kurmura, mix thoroughly. Add salt and sugar. Mix. At this point switch off the stove. let the chiwda cool, store in an airtight container. Munch when u feel like it!!
A variation to this can be... add some farsan, finey chopped onion and tomato, squeeze lemon juice ( and small bits of raw mango, when in season) Garnish with cilantro... u have 'sukha bhel' ready!!!


  1. You made drool! I used to make this a lot with proper B'lore Churmuri but here it's rice crispies for me!
    Looks great.I will make it right away with my rice crispies.Great entry.I add lots of garlic too.Be back in a few with Chiwda:))

  2. Done Manasi!!:D
    It's cooling on paper.I added Garlic pd,Haldiram's Boondi, and Bhijia.Rice crispies are really great,very Kurmura!:))Thanks girl for inspiring me.

  3. Hi ASha, i had just finished publishing ur first comment when u popped the next!! and u r ready with the chiwda?! U SUPERWOMAN!!!!!

  4. Hey Manasi,even I prepare this but call it a different name.the Chiwda looks very good.And Asha was very quick in preparing this ha?:-)

  5. AAHHH!!!!!! Kya din the woh!!!! You brought back some nostalgic moments my girl! :) And I make it exactly the same way now!!!!! Munch away to glory when the tummy is churning ;)

    Great entry and thank you so much. :) Your posts are so much fun to read. :) I could almost imagine you climbing ont he chair and pigging out ;)

  6. This is such a versatile dish you can make it in 100 diff ways

  7. This is interesting Manasi. An all time snack. Great entry. Viji

  8. gosh, I just love reading about your childhood remind me of me in certain ways.... :)
    Chivda looks wonderful, as always a favorite of mine with some tea...
    Nice entry.

    enjoy your weekend~


  9. Right now I'm munching on some store bought chiwda and sighing how much better yours is!!

  10. Hi Viji, I am sure a lot of people make this with variations! it is quick and tasty!!

    Hi Coffee! Sacchi! kya din the woh!!!

    Hi Suganya!! U said it!!! so many variations!!

    Hi Viji! All time snack and I especially like i with tea!

    Hi Trupti!! Guess u were a handgul too!


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