
Saturday, June 16, 2007

Upvasache Sabudana Thailpeeth

This is a slight variation to the ever popular Sabudana khichadi. I learnt this one from my Naani (Grandmother), she would often make this for my Mama's (Uncle) lunch box.
Summer vacation always meant going to my Grandma's. All cousins would be there... those glorious, sunshine filled days (the same sunshine which now makes me shrink into shades where I can find them... makes me smear my face with sunblock- which makes me feel sticky and cross, even if it the non-oily types! and gives me headaches!)playing endless games, thinking up new ways to bother other kids, occasionally bully them.. break all rules laid down by my Uncle (who had to be strict with us and*had to* punish us EVERY evening) devour meals cooked by Grandma and at night, dim the lights in the living room and watch T.V (black and white in those days).. aaah those were the days!
On one evening however, to his (my uncle's) ever lasting amazement, we behaved! So the usual *stand in the corner facing the wall* for me & my girl cousin and plonking my boy cousins on top of an old iron almirah with folded hands and lips tight shut, was waived!
On that peaceful evening, my Grandma decided to usher me and my cousin into the kitchen and give us a bit of instruction, which of course is useful now, but the main intention , I maintain to this day was, to keep us from mischief and thereby incurring the wrath of my uncle and the resulting punishment. That saved us, because in a few minutes, we heard something break with a resounding clash followed by the customary angry snort and then *plonk*...*plonk*..... *Silence*, which is often termed as a long pregnant silence.
Shaking her head in resignation and sighing at the unavoidable, Grandma started teaching us (which was a bit difficult, given the fact that we were giggling and sneaking out in between to look at the boys ,wink at them and put out our tongues at them, knowing fully well that they could not retaliate!! Oh YES!! we found it rather amusing at that age!! )

So all I gathered at that age... and reinforced later was..

2 cups Soaked Sabudana / Sago
2 large Boiled Potatoes
1 tsp of Cumin and Green chilly paste
Salt to taste
1/4 cup roasted Peanut powder
3-4 tbsp Chopped cilantro
Ghee to shallow fry
Mash the potato .
Mix all the above listed ingredients, except ghee
On a thick plastic bag/ sheet, place a tennis ball size ball of the mixture and pat it into a round roti shape. make a few holes in the thalipeeth.
Heat a non -stick skillet/ fry pan
Gently transfer the thalipeeth on to it. Put ghee in the holes and around the thalipeeth
Cook on both sides to a nice golden colour
Serve with Yogurt / coconut chutney of your choice.

This will go to Nupur for the 'U' of the A-Z of Indian Vegs. and also RCI-Maharashtra , which she will hosting this month.


  1. Hahaha.. That was a funny read... How true that I avert sun now, when I don't remember how hot those summer were, w/o AC or anything of that sort.. Sigh!

  2. Manasi, Lovely writeup girl. Every word of it reminded me of my childhood days and you are so much right about smearing sub block hee hee.. As kids rain of sun, cold or hot nothing would prevent us from all our outdoor activities. Lately I have come across sabudana recipes in so many blogs. Never ever tried using it till date. I guess I have to get Sabo now. Again Its always a pleasure to read your post girl.

  3. Wow Manasi.. Thalipeeth looks so tempting :)
    havent had it since ages.. we dont get Indian Sabu here :( Thanks for sharing the recipe n lovely memories.. u got lotsa fasting items here.. do u fast so very often?? :D
    btw.. u have misspelt the title while hurrying to get the post ready in time!

  4. The ever favourite...... I prefer this more than the sabudana khichdi :) The post is very well written with snippets of nostalgia in it again. :)

  5. A nice write up with an interesting recipe Manasi. Viji

  6. that was a fun read, Manasi! That thalipeeth is new, I wasn't aware that you could churn this out of it!


  7. It has been ages since I tasted this...sigh! Thalipeeth and summers with grandma, what more does one need :)

  8. LOL!! Manasi you were a handful child!!
    That Thalipeeth looks scrumptious! I will try this for sure.Thanks darling girl:))

  9. Amusing post!
    Thalipeeth chaan distay.

  10. lovely post...great thailpeeth...thanks for sharing

  11. Hi Manasi,

    Thanks for sharing this dish, hace tried to make sabudana khichadi with saboodana in usa they always turn out sticky and sogy. But the stiky and sogy saboodana will make a good thalipeeth ingrediant. Will sure try this. Thank you.

  12. Hi Suganya! Funny isn't it? we are so careful now!

    Hi Seema! Being kids si so much fun! no worries!! Hey, do try the sabudana.. it's yum!

    Hi Arts!hehehe, know what.. I don't fast Allt hat much, maybe once-twice a year!! but i love the f(e)asting food!

    Hi Coffee!! thanx a lot!!

    Hi Trupti!! nice and easy, its a nice one for the lunch box!

    hi Nupur! u r right... what more does one need!!

    Hi Asha!! Yes I was the trouble maker! :)

    Hi Cooker! Dhanyavad!!

    Hi Dilip bahi!! thank u soooo much!!!

    Hi Mru, when I first made sabudana in usa, it was sticky too, some brand which flopped, so I made thalipeeth , works better!!

  13. that is a beautiful and healthy thalipeeth, did you spell it right?
    looks yummy.
    nice entry.

  14. I will try this... it seems to be a nice variation of khichadi :)

  15. Wow, hearing the name made my mouth watery. I too miss those especially since I m here in US for few days. When I m in India, usually I also add upvaas bhaaji which consists of powder of vari tandool and rajgira. Its heavenly food.

  16. wow now that have bothe the longing recipes for vadas and thalipeeth am going to try my hand on these this weekend! thks dear for the recipes

  17. hey manasi

    you are too cool man.. u reminded me of my mom and her cooking.. iam sure gona try the thailpeeth... and will let u knw.. by the way i made ur chivda it turned out so good..

  18. Hi Sharmi, Thanx girl!! rectified!!
    Hi Ragaa, I like this variation, its a nice change!
    Hi Anon, Thank u for peeping in!! do drop by again!!
    Hi Roopa, thanx!! do let me know how it turns out!
    Hi Radhika, Thank u soo much!! :) and chivda... yum!! i feel like making some now!!!!


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